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diy solar

diy solar

dSolar - a home solar power plant monitoring system using deye, epever, victron smartshunt equipment.

New version #dSolar - Real time solar station monitoring system
ver 2.4.0 (26.11.2024)
* Winter ESS
* Calculating load current based on values of other modbus registers, rather than fake values of the corresponding Deye register
* Visual Load cos(phi)
* Modbus processing for high-power inverter series
* Program Configure: Degree as an integer on the Dashboard
New version #dSolar - Real time solar station monitoring system
ver 2.5.0 (07.12.2024)
* Dashboard for portrait screen orientation
New version #dSolar - Real time solar station monitoring system
ver 2.6.0 (17.01.2025)
  • WinterESS: Forced on charge from grid to absorption
  • Rotate the app screen if this option is disabled on the device
  • Checking for message existence when chat ID search for dSolar Telegram bot
  • Reindex and vacuum database
This will run on a Raspberry Pi running Home Assistant? I also have an Orange Pi running Solar assistant that’s connected directly to the inverter and the master BMS. The HA isn’t connected directly but is on the same WiFi network.

Do I need to connect to the Pi via SSH and “run” something or is there a web interface like solar assistant?
dSolard on raspberry pi will work.
dSolar is not related to homeassistant. dSolar is a standalone program.
You need to install dSolar as described on the website:
I understand it's not related to Home Assistant, my question is how do I access it? Do I run a program from the command line like in the demo? There's no web interface like Solar Assistant? How do I access it over the internet?
I understand it's not related to Home Assistant, my question is how do I access it? Do I run a program from the command line like in the demo? There's no web interface like Solar Assistant? How do I access it over the internet?
dSolard server install on the raspberry, for store sensors data from the inverters.
Web interface - no.
For visual data using the dSolar client program.
This is a for remote(via internet) or local access for the dSolard server.
You’re able to capture inverter data over WiFi? No connection required?

I’m still not clear on how the UI works. I connect via SSH and ‘run’ dsolar? So I can’t click an icon on my iPhone or iPad to access the system? It requires a PC?
You’re able to capture inverter data over WiFi? No connection required?
yes. need connect to wifi logger
I’m still not clear on how the UI works. I connect via SSH and ‘run’ dsolar? So I can’t click an icon on my iPhone or iPad to access the system? It requires a PC?
dSolar - this is client.
Client available for windows, linux, android.
For iphone not available
So as a MacOS and iOS user, do I have any way to use the software?
The following platforms are supported:
dSolard server - Linux (x86_64), Raspberry Pi (aarch64), experimental - Victron VenusOS
dSslar client - Android (x86, arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64), Linux (x86_64), Windows (x86_64)
I can see it's only available for deye single phase inverter. What about 3 phases dye inverters? I have a 15kw LV deye inverter. Thanks

diy solar

diy solar