diy solar

diy solar

E-Bikes / E-Motorcycles from Sondors


Offgrid Cabineer, N.E. Ontario, Canada
Oct 29, 2019
Rural NE Ontario Canada
This is OFF TOPIC for the Forum but kind of on the edge.
I have been looking at E-Bikes and E-Bike conversion kits for a couple of years now and have seen so much growth and improvement it is really impressive. Prices are still kind of "out there" but things are starting to settle down. Recently a US Based company called SONDORS has just released some New Goodies from a really impressive Motorcycle and some cool retro bikes (Mad Mods) and the pricing is QUITE GOOD !

I am presently contemplating ordering one, should I do so, of course I'll write up my experience with it to share with you good folks.

The Specifications can be found on the DIRECT LINK above the images. They are VERY RESPECTABLE compared to other offerings out there at this time.


The $5000 Sondors Metacycle DIRECT LINK
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The Metacycle video looked really cool.

They have lots of other e-bike products that are ready now, but I would expect something allegedly shipping in 4 months would have something besides renderings on the site... maybe an adjustment in shipping schedule is warranted... :)
The Metacycle video looked really cool.

They have lots of other e-bike products that are ready now, but I would expect something allegedly shipping in 4 months would have something besides renderings on the site... maybe an adjustment in shipping schedule is warranted... :)
I reached out to the company with regards to their product line and got some interesting feedback which I am unsure if I can share because it was wrapped in with a discussion on investing (shares) etc... We have been looking to expand our portfolio into the E-Bike sector and a "limited" few of interest are on our watch list. This is certainly one company to keep a sharp eye on, if they cross the crest they are approaching now and go public things could ramp quite quickly.
I reached out to the company with regards to their product line and got some interesting feedback which I am unsure if I can share because it was wrapped in with a discussion on investing (shares) etc... We have been looking to expand our portfolio into the E-Bike sector and a "limited" few of interest are on our watch list. This is certainly one company to keep a sharp eye on, if they cross the crest they are approaching now and go public things could ramp quite quickly.
Sonders has a 3 wheel electric "car" prototype with investors that that will never be manufactured in my opinion.
He should have stuck with ebikes.
I bought a used fat tire Sonders ebike after the original highly successful Indiegogo campaign that I watched but did not buy from so I am aware of his history.
I respectfully disagree.

41 years here starting in 1979 at the age of 9. Dirt bikes, cruisers, UJMs, crotch rockets and even a touch of road racing on a GSXR750.

One of the most comfortable seats I've ever sampled was a stock 2004 GSXR1000. The most torturous seat I've ever sampled is my 2002 Daytona 955i, and that bike was a complete torture rack. They look like they should be equally uncomfortable. My huge 83 GS1100E seat looks like it should be luxurious. It is nowhere near as comfortable as the aforementioned GSXR seat. The only thing worse than my Daytona is sitting on a Corbin molded to someone else's butt.

Knees/schmees. Anything from the inside thigh to the inner calf can be used on any vertical-ish surface. With the diagonal cross member positioned at mid-thigh, it should be fine. I used my inner calf more than anything with the knee puck skimming the ground.

Few motorcycles of this size, class and weight have any meaningful storage of any kind. Electric has its own set of design restrictions - 11hp (barely more than a 125) with 80 mile range. It's basically a really powerful moped without pedals. Adjust expectations accordingly ;)
LOL, Uncomfortable... I had a 1967 Suzuki 250CC X6 Hustler that was modded into a cafe racer... U want uncomfortable ?
Funny thing is, not my greatest bike okay but I have darn good memories, there's an odd soft spot for it.

As for the above, could implement a storage compartment into that hollow, as an option, probably a few other reasonable and obvious options also should be offered.
I've loved almost every motorcycle I've sat on for at least one thing... even if I hated the rest... :)


I have one of those memories.. Mine is a 1976 Yamaha XT500. Bored to 530, mega cycle cam and 11.5:1 piston - had to run AVgas. Damn near broke my ankle a few times when it kicked back (all praise the might compression release), but the roar from the supertrapp and the raw torque is etched into my psyche. :)
Craziest Cycles I had, Kawasaki 750 Triple H2 2 Stroke Psycho Bike. There is a damned good reason the killed production quick, widowmakers....
Craziest Cycles I had, Kawasaki 750 Triple H2 2 Stroke Psycho Bike. There is a damned good reason the killed production quick, widowmakers....
I didn't have one of those, but rode one once .... it was definitely extremely dangerous.
I think it has the same kind of problem my 350 Yamaha had ..... once you hit a certain RMP, the reed valve in the carburetor would dump fuel and the torque seemed like it would suddenly double for the same throttle position .... even with that 350, it would almost throw you off the bike when that happened and the front end would come up.
I made the mistake of letting a friend of mine take that 350 for a ride and he crashed it and ended up in the hospital overnight.
My dad, who is still riding at 75, had a Triumph Sprint ST with a Turbo on it. 185hp at the rear wheel.

Scared the turds right outta you. Glad when he finally removed the turbo.

Not a lotta 2 smoke experience besides a Yamaha GT80... bigger ones are skeery... :)
My dad, who is still riding at 75, had a Triumph Sprint ST with a Turbo on it. 185hp at the rear wheel.

Scared the turds right outta you. Glad when he finally removed the turbo.

Not a lotta 2 smoke experience besides a Yamaha GT80... bigger ones are skeery... :)
I quit riding about 20 years ago ..... figured I had used up all my luck. There were just too many clueless people driving cars.

I had an lady pull right out in front of me .... If she had just keep going I could have avoided her more easily, but after she pulled out she saw me coming and just stopped right in front of me. I had to lay it on the side and my head missed the bumper by about 1/2 inch.
I saw the same thing happen to another guy who didn't have time to react .... he ran into the side of the car and went over the top of it and landed on his head on the other side .... I always wore a helmet after I saw that happen,

Having an E-bike does sound interesting though. I may have to figure out how to carry one around on my camper.
Glad you're still with us! Couple close calls myself that changed my outlook and got me off the street and on the racetrack. Oddly much safer when everybody is going the same direction. A 110mph low side resulted in a little road rash on my arm at a weak point in my leathers and a destroyed face shield. Rode the next weekend. :)
I reached out to the company with regards to their product line and got some interesting feedback which I am unsure if I can share because it was wrapped in with a discussion on investing (shares) etc...

Due to Regulation Fair Disclosure it would be illegal for them to share information with any one investor that is non public information so share away.

This assumes you are not buying a controlling interest in the company.
Glad you're still with us! Couple close calls myself that changed my outlook and got me off the street and on the racetrack. Oddly much safer when everybody is going the same direction. A 110mph low side resulted in a little road rash on my arm at a weak point in my leathers and a destroyed face shield. Rode the next weekend. :)

IF you’re going to get off at speed low side is definitely the preferred dismount! ?
To all those go-fast riders posting, glad you are still around. I think I will stay with cruisers. Might have to give them up sometime in the not too distant future. Doctors have already got me to quit off road vehicles and scuba diving. ☹️