diy solar

diy solar

Earth Overshoot Day 2022


Whatever you did, that's what you planned.
Jan 5, 2021
Southwest MO
Today is Earth Overshoot Day 2022 but unlike many "days" it's not one to celebrate.

I just recently heard about this. Subconsciously I knew it was there but actually seeing the details was a real gut punch.

Well when you cause failure in the system. shut down the working, supply chain issues world wide, cause grain issues, limit fertilizer drive up fuel costs , pay people to stay home. cause inflation and the resulting rescission, continue to spend money you do not have. ( The new green deal relabeled as the Anti Inflation Bill as an example ) Support a "cash cow war " for the elites to siphon off. ( Don't kid yourself the Ukraine Elites has been and IS very corrupt ) If you think it is bad now just wait and see what happens in the next year.