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EcoFlow Delta Problems Solar Problems


New Member
Jul 25, 2022
Received an EcoFlow Delta and Rich Solar 200w briefcase panels from ShopSolarKits.com. I don't think the Solar Charge Controller is working correctly but need your advice.

AC charging works fine. 12v cigarette charging works fine. But when I plug in the panels, the input (watts reading) on the Ecoflow Delta is all over the place. Ramps up to 65w, then 120w, 150w, then back to zero, and starts all over again. This sequence repeats over and over again. Never does the input stay anywhere near consistent. The fans on the battery come on almost instantly. I'm worried that the SCC on the Ecoflow is going to give out from the stress of starting over all the time.

Here's a video of the input showing how it resets to zero after a very short period of time (taken on a full sunny day in the southwestern desert):

Here's a video showing the Amps reading from my multi-meter - not sure this is important but wanted to include in case it was.

The response from ShopSolarKits is as follows:

"This is Nelson your Technical Product Specialist from Shop Solar Kits.
We have reviewed your video and it seems that the fluctuations happen due to the over current of the panels.
It exceeded the max current rating by 0.8A. EcoFlow 1800 should have clipped the Ampere at around 10A but this has caused your unit to fluctuate. What we are concerned about should be the sum of the wattage you actually gather per day and if it averages a steady daily generation.
However, if the fluctuations bother you, then we can offer you some alternatives. "

I'm less concerned about the "sum of the wattage gathered during the day" then I am about destroying the SCC on the EcoFlow.

What is the problem? Too many Amps from the panels, or a defective SCC?

Any help is appreciated! - Stephen
Looking at your videos. Is the 78% number in the display the state of battery charge? Also I do not see any amp reading from the device only the watts output that rises up and drops to zero. Since your watts do not exceed the 200 watt rating at any time I fail to see how amps could be over the maximum. Since Watts= Volts X amps
I expect the technical support guy is telling you a tall tale. If the device is rated for 200 watt panel there should be no trouble with using one.

Your multi-meter video is hard to say what you are reading since I do not see how the leads are connected. It seems to show a fixed amount. If you were reading the panels to the SCC amperage it would vary up and down as watts were drawn. Generally speaking you will not be able to test that without a DC clampon ammeter or a shunt.

It looks like you have a faulty product.
Yes, 78% is the battery charge level.

I only have a multimeter and am measuring the output from the panels directly. The specs on the Ecoflow Delta say that it can handle panels up to 400W, 10-65V and 10A max [Link]. Isn't 11.94A too much (see attached images)?


If the SCC receives too many amps, shouldn't it shut down & restart (which appears to be happening) or should it be able to reduce the amps to what it can handle? Sorry I'm so inexperienced!
Sorry I did not see your reply. The amperage you get by directly using a multimeter as short circuit from a panel is not the amperage your unit sees. It only sees amperage based on delivered watts at voltage delivered: Watts=Volts X Amps While your panel does list a higher amperage than 10 amps it is doubtful that it is giving it.
Thanks Mattb4 - evidently even when the current is lower, at 5.4 A, the watts reading is still all over the place. I've asked Shop Solar Kits to exchange the unit for another. From what I can tell, this is what the reading should look like for a power station that's working (see 7:10):

Fairly consistent input...

and here's what mine looks like:


All over the place. Plus the fans come on almost immediately, which concerns me. Don't want to overheat the thing.

Hi, I’m new here. But I wanted to mention I’m having the same problem with my Ecoflow delta 1000. What’s concerning is I’m using a Ecoflow 160w panel with the same results. The watts will ramp up then drop to zero and so on. I have a bluetti and Ecoflow river this panel works fine with. One thing I’ve noticed is the river will accept 12amps where the delta only accepts 10 amps. The manual recommends 110 watt panels but never says the 160 will not work. From what I can tell the 160 produces about 10 amps. Where the 110 is less. I still need to contact Ecoflow. But at the moment it seems they’re 160w panels are not compatible with the Ecoflow delta 1000.
Michaellyne - thanks for the confirmation. I can see in another thread that we are not the only ones with the problem. See:

Ecoflow actually says you can have up to 400W of solar connected - the only way I could see that working is if the panels were connected in parallel because if each panel puts out 5.4A of current, 4 of them would put out over 20A, way over the 10.8A specification on the power station.

Is there anyone else out there that has suffered this problem? What was your solution?
I have the same problem and I actually received an interesting answer from my dealer. They said that the problem also arises with bi-facial panels. My panel is not bifacial but it does have 'half cells', which i'm guessing is not too different electrically. There seems to be a firmware update that fixed it for the customer with the bifacial panel.

I've just sent in my ecoflow to get the firmware flashed (cant't do it yourself apparently). I don't have it back yet but hope it will fix it. Fingers crossed.
I hope mine doesn’t require the firm update. I’m using 160w Ecoflow panels. One by itself and even two together no change. Doesn’t seem right.
Droomboter - Thanks for the additional information. I was thinking the same thing - firmware update. Too bad we can't just do that ourselves. BTW I'm using the Rich Solar 200W briefcase panels, essentially 2X100W panels sandwiched together. Don't know what "half cells" are but definitely not bi-facial. Please keep us updated on how your firmware update goes!
I got my Delta back from the dealer and I can confirm that the problem is solved!

It now shows a steady charging power from the solar panel, no more ramping up and down. I've seen it reach just under 300W which is close to my panel's max (and the sun isn't that strong anymore). So all is as it should be.

It took quite some time before I had my unit back (i'm in europe, guess they shipped it to the US and back) but i'm really happy that it works now!
So I’ve been working with Ecoflow regarding the issue with solar charging. All of us share this same problem. They’ve been very helpful. Apparently the firmware needed updating. Today I will be testing the power unit for the first time since the firmware update. I will keep everyone posted as to the results.
The firmware update was successfully. If you contact Ecoflow technical they can help you with that process. It does take some patience but we’ll worth it. I was able to charge 260 watts with two 160 watt panels with minimal effort adjusting the panels directions. Also the watts were stable just as they are on my Ecoflow river and bluetti power supplies.
The firmware update was successfully. If you contact Ecoflow technical they can help you with that process. It does take some patience but we’ll worth it. I was able to charge 260 watts with two 160 watt panels with minimal effort adjusting the panels directions. Also the watts were stable just as they are on my Ecoflow river and bluetti power supplies.

Glad to hear you were successful. Did you have to send in the power supply, or did you do the firmware update yourself?
Glad to hear you were successful. Did you have to send in the power supply, or did you do the firmware update yourself?
Be honest with you they wanted me to send it in. But I really didn’t want to be without my supply. Eventually they came up with a solution to send me a cable to do the firmware and instructions. The process was a bit tricky but with they’re help were successfully getting it accomplished. No I don’t know if this is standard procedure but I’m sure you could do the same. But please don’t mention I suggested it to you. See if they will offer it to you.
Be honest with you they wanted me to send it in. But I really didn’t want to be without my supply. Eventually they came up with a solution to send me a cable to do the firmware and instructions. The process was a bit tricky but with they’re help were successfully getting it accomplished. No I don’t know if this is standard procedure but I’m sure you could do the same. But please don’t mention I suggested it to you. See if they will offer it to you.
Thank you again. I left my number with them today. Hopefully they will call tomorrow. I will not mention our conversation. Wish me luck!
Hi there, Irecently purchased an Ecoflow River 2 and Renogy 100w panel, I am having the same issue as you.
I have only tried charging on solar twice and both times the charging rate was sporadic going between 0w and I saw up to 93w.
I checked the Renogy specs before purchase so new it was a good match for my little River 2 but both times very erratic charging via solar.

My firmware updated when I first connected to my WiFi but didn't solve the issue until I disconnected the XT60 cable today whist charging (we have a crisp fresh sunny day here today) I used my multi meter to check voltage only as mine doesn't do watts only AC current then plugged it back into the Ecoflow.

Weird thing immediately it showed a steady wattage coming in from 20w up to a high of 93 but never going below 20w, not sure what I did and weather it's fixed but I'm letting it charge up to 100% and will take a look at it again when I next charge I'll keep you posted!
My problem did require a firmware update. I sent the EcoFlow Delta to them and they lost it. So they sent me another unit. It must of had the newer firmware because the problem went away.

In your case, I don't think you should see such a wide fluctuation. I have a 200w "briefcase" panel and it now stays within a range of 165-185w on a sunny day. Can you put a multimeter on the solar panel to see if the output is consistent? If it is, then my guess is the Solar Charge Controller on the battery is not working correctly.
I just bought a River 2 Pro to go with my River 2 Max. The Max was full so I plugged the Pro into the solar panels instead and it did that crazy up and down thing from 10w up to 93w and all over the place! I confess it is a bit of overpaneling as it is 400w of panels but the light is terrible, low angle lots of shade, so it shouldn't be challenged and the Max took it in its stride straight away and charges well with any jumps of only a few watts. I have now upgraded the firmware on the Pro - this required 2 phones as it wouldn't use the hotspot of the device the app is on for some reason. Luckily I had an old one without a sim card but using the connected one as a hotspot for both the old phone and the River 2 Pro I installed the app on the old phone and got it to update. But the light has dropped too far to test it today as it is raining and late afternoon and the sun is behind the trees. Hopefully it will work tomorrow...
I have the same problem and I actually received an interesting answer from my dealer. They said that the problem also arises with bi-facial panels. My panel is not bifacial but it does have 'half cells', which i'm guessing is not too different electrically. There seems to be a firmware update that fixed it for the customer with the bifacial panel.

I've just sent in my ecoflow to get the firmware flashed (cant't do it yourself apparently). I don't have it back yet but hope it will fix it. Fingers crossed.
I am also new, day 4 on an Eco Max. When the ECO came and got it set up I had to do a firmware update several times. Between one of these updates it stopped all input and scared the ____ out of me. OP, I would get more panels. HQST are great panels form my research. Good lcuk!
Hal, I pulled that website to see that 200w panel kit was $449. Might I suggest returning it and buying 5 100w HQST panels from amazon. You don't need a charge controller with any Eco from my understanding. Peace
I have the erratic charging problem with one of my two Ecoflow Delta Pros.
Both DP's are at the latest rev. update
With the xt60i cable one DP#1 charges with 15~16 amps, Very good!
The other DP#2 charges with 0~800watts very erratic every few seconds.
I switched connections with both and the DP#1 and DP#2 with the same results, DP#2 erratic.
SO, it's not the cable.
Next I replaced the xt60i cable with an xt60 cable and the problem went away, However I can only charge with 8A.
My solution is to leave the DP#1 with the xt60i cable and charge it with 15~16A,
and use the xt60 cable with DP#2 and charge it with 8A.
Not the best choice but I rarely use more than 8A at any length of time, so my DP's keep charged with the panels.

2 x Delta Pro
2 sets of solar panels at 115v and 1500watts
2 x charge controllers
2 x 51.2v rack batteries, (soon to be 4)


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