New Member
I am planning on installing a large ground mount array over 400 feet away from my EG4 18KPV. Instead of running multiple long runs of PV wire, I was wondering if I could just buy a split phase inverter, install it at the array and bring the 240VAC output from the inverter into the Grid inputs on the 18K?
Is there any reason not to do this?
Is there a way to coordinate the output capability of the upstream inverter with the demand that the 18K will want, so that the 18K uses a combination of PV and battery when load exceeds the upstream capacity?
This might seem like more trouble than it's worth, but the PV wire will cost almost as much as an EG4 6000XP. It will free up the PV1/1 and 1/2 Inputs on my 18K, for additional smaller strings close to the house. It will allow me to power AC loads with shorter runs that are located closer to the ground mount.
Is there any reason not to do this?
Is there a way to coordinate the output capability of the upstream inverter with the demand that the 18K will want, so that the 18K uses a combination of PV and battery when load exceeds the upstream capacity?
This might seem like more trouble than it's worth, but the PV wire will cost almost as much as an EG4 6000XP. It will free up the PV1/1 and 1/2 Inputs on my 18K, for additional smaller strings close to the house. It will allow me to power AC loads with shorter runs that are located closer to the ground mount.