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diy solar

diy solar

EG4 6000xp firmware update stuck


New Member
Sep 11, 2023
Edinburgh, Texas. USA
I woke up today to one of my two my inverters (EG4 6000xp) in fault mode. I tried rebooting the unit. Still in fault, so I looked at the log in the app and I found that it lost coms with the battery a EG4 14kwh outdoor wall mount. So I called signature solar tech support. Nice guy log in and said the firmware is out of date he will update it wait 30 minutes. I waited 45 minutes then called back new guy looks at it and tells me that one unit is updated and the other is not. Mind you the unit that has fault is the one that is not updating. He also said my battery setting was wrong and set it correctly. Not sure it needed to be changed but why not. Not like anything is working now. He gets 2 of 3 updates done but the 3rd will not go. Are there any recommendations to fix this.

Note I changed nothing up to this point just powered off and on only after there was a problem.

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I think i remember someone saying to turn the EPS switch off if the third update fails and try again.
Not 100% sure but it sure is easy to try.
I did reach out, the technician referred my case to other technicians. Still no idea what made the original coms fail.
If you'd like to shoot me a DM with your email address, I can look into the status for you :)
They ended up sending a new unit. The original problem was a bad com board that could not be user-serviced, which probably contributed to the stuck update.
I'm so glad we could get this taken care of with you! Please don't hesitate tor each out in the future for any support!

diy solar

diy solar