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diy solar

diy solar

Eg4 6000xp high voltage error


New Member
Sep 22, 2023
Los Angeles
Hi, I'm running 2x 6000xp in series with 2x eg4 powerpro wall Mount units.

I'm getting error code high voltage event, but when I check around the times the error happens, its usually 54-56 Vdc according to the app. There's no issues with power output or units resetting or anything.

Is this something I should be worried about?

Is it a settings issue? Both inverters are set to lithium battery setting and brand eg4.1000009787.png
The device IDs are corresponding to the two separate inverters. Batteries to attached in parallel.

Some additional info, batteries are only charged from solar as of now, completely off-grid.
Which Wallmount model is being used? I also recommend setting the battery communication to CAN EG4/LUX and configuring the lithium brand to 1 on the inverter. Based on the data reported to our server, it appears the inverter is reading a higher voltage than what is actually present at the battery terminals, leading to the VBat warning. This can be seen on the data history with vBat(V) compared to Vbat_Inv(V).
Which Wallmount model is being used? I also recommend setting the battery communication to CAN EG4/LUX and configuring the lithium brand to 1 on the inverter. Based on the data reported to our server, it appears the inverter is reading a higher voltage than what is actually present at the battery terminals, leading to the VBat warning. This can be seen on the data history with vBat(V) compared to Vbat_Inv(V).
I'm using the all weather models. I'll try switching to 1 on the inverter and see what happens.

I'll report back, thanks for the help!

diy solar

diy solar