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diy solar

diy solar

EG4 Battery temp sky high and unstable !!


Solar Enthusiast
May 29, 2022
NE Ohio
I have the Victron smart shunt with temperature probe. My battery temperature is getting pretty hot. Do I need a fan or something to cool it off?
If I'm figuring the signature correctly. 71kwh @5.1per should be 14 batteries. 20kw of panels should gen about 400amps. And it looks like the batteries are getting hot under charge and cooling off during discharge. That's roughly 400amps divided by 14batterys is <30amps per battery. Don't see why they would be getting hot with such a low charge rate.

Oh ... and you are in Ohio in the middle of January.

Sum Ting Wong
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This was supposed to be a joke. LOL :ROFLMAO: My temperature sensor is on the incoming hot water from my outdoor boiler. This enables me to monitor my boiler temps to see when I need to add wood. If the battery temp ever got to 160 that would be a serious issue.:eek:
This was supposed to be a joke. LOL :ROFLMAO: My temperature sensor is on the incoming hot water from my outdoor boiler. This enables me to monitor my boiler temps to see when I need to add wood. If the battery temp ever got to 160 that would be a serious issue.:eek:

Bro, I appreciate a good leg pulling, but you gave no clues...
The clue was supposed to be the graph :fp2! Nobody's batteries get that hot (170 deg) and cycle. My apologies to any fairies that got offended. :ROFLMAO:

diy solar

diy solar