I don't know the low-voltage shut-down value of the EG4 CV (I don't own the EG4 CV, instead I've DIY my own chargeverter based on Huawei R4875G1, but the working principle is the same).
But I'm not sure if I understand your question correct. So far I thought you don't use the EG4 CV with closed loop communication (using just programmed voltages to control the CV)?! In this case, a low-voltage shutdown of the CV would not really prevent your batteries to run in an under voltage situation - it would just shutdown the CV. Usually, your inverters will shutdown before the batteries are running in an under voltage situation where the BMS shuts them off - either by a low voltage setting in your inverter or, in case you use closed loop communication between battery in inverter, depending on the low cut-off SOC settings in your inverter.
As far as I know, the CV is not able to tell your inverters to shutdown (not longer using batteries) because the CV don't have grid/generator power available... this would not make sense, because the inverters are the "consumers" of your battery and to prevent a deep discharge, the inverters have to stop using the batteries... but as I said, I don't own the EG4 CV...