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diy solar

EG4 Documentation Revamp


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2022
Sulphur Springs, TX
Good afternoon Solar Enthusiasts.

Here at EG4, we’ve listened attentively to your voices, scrutinizing every comment and suggestion regarding our documentation's look, feel, and content. And now, we're excited to unveil our revamped style, integrating the insights you have so generously shared with us. Please take a look!

Here is where you come in. We believe in co-creation, and your opinion matters now more than ever. We invite you to immerse yourself in our updated documentation format and share your thoughts here on the DIY Solar Forum. Tell us what works, what's missing, and what could be better. This is your chance to let your voice be heard and help shape the way forward.

Please navigate to the following links to view the latest documentation for the EG4 WallMount Indoor 280Ah battery.

Quick-Start Guide
Connections and Paralleling Guide
Device Monitoring and Settings Guide
Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide
Firmware Changelog and Update Guide
Note: Once the document has opened, please refresh the page to prevent any cache issues.

At the heart of our company is a deep commitment to serving you better. After all, you're not just customers; you're partners in our journey of innovation and improvement. Your feedback fuels our progress, and together, we'll continue pushing boundaries in solar technology.
So please, dive in, explore, and let your voices be heard. Together, we will illuminate the path to a brighter, more sustainable future.

Thank you!

One thing I would like to see is better documentation on the communications protocols between EG4's various components.

For example the EG4 Hub to the LifePower4 batteries and the communications protocol for the new Charge-Inverter
This can't be a big secret.

The most successful encryption algorithms used in finance, banking, the internet and communications are so well documented that the source code exists in multiple different programming languages and yet the encryption still cannot be broken (except possibly by massive super computers).

I am not asking EG4 to disclose or publish the source code for firmware (although it would be nice) but to publish what any one of us who write custom software would need to communicate with your devices.

Victron have pretty much documented their protocols, maybe EG4 will follow suite
Better documentation leads to less customer support overhead.

I find the ability for companies to precisely, correctly, and thoroughly describe their products is often lacking.

I just got bit by an example of that today. The EG4 indoor wall mount battery is listed in the quick start guide as being 9.6 inches deep.


An 8 inch trough will cover the connectors fine in that case. But the battery specification sheet now says the battery is 10.4 inches.


Now my 8 inch wiring trough will no longer cover the battery terminals as hoped. I'm now deciding if I should buy a 10 inch trough or somehow space out the 8 inch one to make it work.

These troughs are expensive, my 8 x 8 x 48 cost me $170. A 10 inch is $260. Surely there must be a better place to buy these things since lots of people use them. it is just a bunch of folded sheet metal, how hard can this be?

The most annoying thing about the EG4 wall mount batteries is that the wall clip requires the battery to be lifted to engage. Problem 1 is the battery weighs 280 lbs and it is hard to lift it over the bracket. Problem 2 occurs if you put any sort of wiring chase over the top of the battery, you now have to take that apart to get the battery off the wall clip. it sure would be nice if the battery could be secured to the wall without vertical motion, or a way to install the wall clip after the battery is in position (and thus able to remove it when in position).

Mike C.
Thanks for the pictures, they confirm my 8 x 8 trough won't cover the battery terminals unless I make it proud of the wall some amount. The 9.6 inch depth dimension given in some of the documents apparently forgets to include the back brackets.

It would also be nice if the ground screw wasn't so far away from the main connectors since I need to cover that, too.

Mike C.

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