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diy solar

diy solar

Elon Musk

While there are exceptions the vast majority of poor people got there by repeated really bad decisions. I have an aunt that continually whines about being broke. She made a very good living when she was working but never saved a penny. How is that my (or other taxpayers) fault?
While there are exceptions the vast majority of poor people got there by repeated really bad decisions. I have an aunt that continually whines about being broke. She made a very good living when she was working but never saved a penny. How is that my (or other taxpayers) fault?
How are you saying it is our fault.

Social security is paid into. The govt has robbed it. Who should be held accountable.?

Are you buying the govt - thieves side for their bs?

Ive previous shown how govt stole the money under bush and obuma. Dont worry our privation retirements are tied up too. Vanguard and BlackRock

If your aunt paid in to social security than she is entitled to get her money.
How are you saying it is our fault.

Social security is paid into. The govt has robbed it. Who should be held accountable.?

Are you buying the govt - thieves side for their bs?

Ive previous shown how govt stole the money under bush and obuma. Dont worry our privation retirements are tied up too. Vanguard and BlackRock

If your aunt paid in to social security than she is entitled to get her money.
we get it, but if we should not be trusting them for xyz actions why would we trust them for SS benefits? you either trust or you do not trust... I don't trust them.
we get it, but if we should not be trusting them for xyz actions why would we trust them for SS benefits? you either trust or you do not trust... I don't trust them.
I am pointing out nothing is wrong with social security other than govt robbed it. Working as designed. Some ppl cant save 1 penny on their own.

As Teal pointed out the aunt which is typical…. cant and didn’t save for retirement. Very typical. COMMON. The Govt got involved a long time ago acting as a parent and we as a child to force a supplemental savings plan with Social Security taken from our wages.

They were capturing a percentage of our wages and putting it in their GOVT bank account for us the workers that participated. Most ppl are involuntary in Social Security and Medicare as mandatory.

Again Social Security did not become a burden until Govt started stealing it.

How many ppl could have and would have taken their Social Security investment and invested it on their own. I’d say virtually none of them because they are like the described Auntie, Didnt save a dime and squandered money so know they would have spent -wasted the Social Security Investment too.

The Govt knows most ENTITLED ppl will never get their money back before dying. So govt started stealing it for voter pet projects. As result we are now taxed to pay back what govt stole. The simple solution is hang the govt as thieves …..which is not going to happen. So come 2032 or whatever the govt will reduce the average Social Security check is around ~$1800 after the 25% proposed cut it will be around $1350.

The ppl that paid into the system did their part the Govt stole it and are not going to be held accountable ….. the right thing to do is therefore cut off all Govt Checks to Congress and above. ZERO RETIREMENTS FOR THEM. They get Social Security and Medicare. Seize all the millions -billions they have in kickbacks for Social Security. Seems like Most of the worse politicians die in office now.

Billionaires like Musk and others think they pay for social security for us and we have not paid into it.

BTW am retired and do not draw social security. That money is basically a forfeit due to other retirements. Which are rolled into Black Rock and Vanguard. Everyone is for most part. Medicare has a $200-$300 deductible and does not cover a lot. Not used it but even as retired still have to pay into Medicare.

I paid an additional $2000 plus in fed taxes on my retirement last year.

The only reason give a fuck is the god damn govt robbed ppl that paid in then robbed tax payers even more and they act like ppl are getting fucking welfare with social security. It was not suppose to be that way. The govt fucked it up and no one wants to take responsibility for the robbery.

They already robbed me. I planned ahead but nothing will save anyone if all this shit crashes. That goes for Bit Coin and rest of that shit too. The Govt will go complete cannibal while pointing their crooked fingers at us.

ELON MUSK is typical billionaire with no understanding of ppl invested monies at our levels. I see him and others wanting to cut them out and no comp. Be same as them stealing from your personal bank account which is next.
One day this all blows up.
Tired of waiting for the day of purification...

The man with the red hat will usher in the day of purification.
This is from a Hopi Prophecy

So most of this section of the forum is full of bat shit crazy stuff from the news of recent days.
This stuff I post goes back decades.

Your chemtrails are the cobwebs in the sky....

The man in the red hat has appeared.

Now I wait for the burning container of ashes that boil and burn away the land and oceans

Fast forward to the end credits of Koyaanisqatsi
For the clues at 6 min

bring it on...
Maybe it’s like the entertainment industry only instead of being Jewish you need to convert to Hinduism…
Musk seems to be having some kind of bust up with Laura Loomer and Matt Gaetz over immigrant worker visas.
Let me guess one wants to deport them, one wants to use use them as slaves in a car factory. and one wants to buy drugs off, and have sex with them ( if they are under age )
Let me guess one wants to deport them, one wants to use use them as slaves in a car factory. and one wants to buy drugs off, and have sex with them ( if they are under age )
thats only if they have falsified ID's issued by a government entity there in the state they are in... you know the ones issued by the state? not fake ID's, real ID's with falsified information.... if you are going to try and talk shit, at least be accurate and stop posting bullshit like the rest of the left.

the FBI investigated determined he had not committed any crimes worth prosecuting in regards to this issue as the under age female had falsified ID's issued by the state. and he had taken all reasonable precautions to ensure she was of age.

now if you want to be an asinine fool, then release the records on all of the congressmen on both sides where they used the congressional slush funds to pay off sexual harassment complaints, you will find the majority were form the left.
thats only if they have falsified ID's issued by a government entity there in the state they are in... you know the ones issued by the state? not fake ID's, real ID's with falsified information.... if you are going to try and talk shit, at least be accurate and stop posting bullshit like the rest of the left.

the FBI investigated determined he had not committed any crimes worth prosecuting in regards to this issue as the under age female had falsified ID's issued by the state. and he had taken all reasonable precautions to ensure she was of age.

now if you want to be an asinine fool, then release the records on all of the congressmen on both sides where they used the congressional slush funds to pay off sexual harassment complaints, you will find the majority were form the left.

Much anger sense in the force this morning...
You want a hug?

Its easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled...



But of course he traded all their gold away. Snicker that swamy fucker....

ROFL, meet your new boss, same as your old boss.

Here's Trump in March 2016:

"Megyn Kelly asked about highly-skilled immigration. The H- 1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay. I remain totally committed to eliminating rampant, widespread H-1B abuse and ending outrageous practices such as those that occurred at Disney in Florida when Americans were forced to train their foreign replacements. I will end forever the use of the H-1 B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program. No exceptions."
...and remember this from 2020...

From Oct 6, 2020: "The Trump Administration Is Taking Action to Tighten Foreign Worker Visa Requirements and Protect American Workers... Trump and his Administration are protecting American workers by reforming requirements governing the H-1B visa program."

This went nowhere

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) December 28, 2024
...to which Musk responded at the time...

This is why most software sucks now, the vast majority of these people have zero work ethic, not to mention they hate just about everyone.
H-1B visas are anti-meritocracies. The Indian hiring companies have a monopoly on recruiting people from India. If you are an American, you may be smarter, have better education and work experience but you don't stand a chance and you will not get hired. The Indians have the system rigged now to hire from India. They know what to put on the resume, they have the hiring contacts in the US and they start at lower wages because the H-1B visa is the US companies selling US Citizenships for work. US companies pay foreigners with US Citizenships. The country we build, being sold off for taking our job. I can't think of anything more UNFAIR.

All the rumors about Vivek Ramaswami, H-1B, and Elon Musk support ARE TRUE. Twitter (x) stripped the blue seals off famous accounts that spoke out against Ramaswami when he pushed H1-B and encouraged importing foreign labor.

The biggest lesson to be learned is watch out for people like Elon.
He never stopped censoring. He stopped censoring based on approved speech.

At lot of people are bamboozled by Elon. He's a globalist, he doesn't care about countries at all. He's into technocracy. In his ideal world he would hire no humans at all. Everything would be robots & A.I. Ever hear of the good cop/ bad cop scenario? Elon is playing the good oligarch in a good oligarch/bad oligarch drama. He wants to take us to the exact same end result as the bad oligarchs only by a little different route.

Musk has reportedly been pulling ppl's X account like Loomer over this shit. Swamy been acting out too.

I figure Trump will end up at WAR with Swamy and Musk over this. The nuke power industry hires a shitload of india engineers SUN and Bechtel as cost savers.... they work cheap for contracts and displace Americans. Keep contracts u der budget. Youd think they would want Americans in Secure Jobs .... requiring security back grounds. Most nuke plants that I know of use to can - axe ppl at 19th year because they were headed for 20 year retirements. The india workers solved some of that.

Trump went after some of those Nuke Power Energy Production Companies and fired some of the Big Bosses last time. I will give Trump credit for that.

Musk looks at ppl like used shit house toilet paper.... why never liked him for way he ran a business. Bob and I had discussion about him over that ..... Bob did not want to work for Musk either. Musk is about his own enrichment and have known this from start. We have a lot more 1st amendment rights thanks to Will Prowse then we would ever have with Musk on X.
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Musk has reportedly been pulling ppl's X account like Loomer over this shit. Swamy been acting out too.

I figure Trump will end up at WAR with Swamy and Musk over this. The nuke power industry hires a shitload of india engineers SUN and Bechtel as cost savers.... they work cheap for contracts and displace Americans. Keep contracts u der budget. Youd think they would want Americans in Secure Jobs .... requiring security back grounds. Most nuke plants that I know of use to can - axe ppl at 19th year because they were headed for 20 year retirements. The india workers solved some of that.

Trump went after some of those Nuke Power Energy Production Companies and fired some of the Big Bosses last time. I will give Trump credit for that.

Musk looks at ppl like used shit house toilet paper.... why never liked him for way he ran a business. Bob and I had discussion about him over that ..... Bob did not want to work for Musk either. Musk is about his own enrichment and have known this from start. We have a lot more 1st amendment rights thanks to Will Prowse then we would ever have with Musk on X.
I've been warning people about swamy from day one. He's shifty as hell and can't be trusted. Musk is predictable, that isn't a big surprise. Trump has to find a way to stand his ground.

I don't have problems with indians. I work with a lot of them, I've hired some, and a good deal work for me. They're mostly decent, but not skilled in the sense that most people would consider skilled. They're extremely specifically trained to operate as a meaty computer. They generally can't innovate or problem solve. They're yes-men. And they're disposable.
Trump has to find a way to stand his ground.

These are the people he courted to raise money for him
These are wealthy people like him.
What makes you think he is not going to do what they ask now for in return

He has a lot more in common with them than you

Yes all kinds of them here too
I suspect after a generation of them are born here they won’t be much different at all from our kids
Just a little darker…
The nuke power industry hires a shitload of india engineers SUN and Bechtel as cost savers.... they work cheap for contracts and displace Americans. Keep contracts u der budget. Youd think they would want Americans in Secure Jobs .... requiring security back grounds. Most nuke plants that I know of use to can - axe ppl at 19th year because they were headed for 20 year retirements.

Musk looks at ppl like used shit house toilet paper.... why never liked him for way he ran a business. Bob and I had discussion about him over that ..... Bob did not want to work for Musk either. Musk is about his own enrichment and have known this from start. We have a lot more 1st amendment rights thanks to Will Prowse then we would ever have with Musk on X.

so in a nutshell you have described the US government. fire those that are productive and white. and replace them with halfwits due to diversity...

so which one of the shitbags are you personally going to back? put it down in writing or shut the fuck up.

this is the exact same tactics used by all CEO's int he US at the moment as well as the federal government.

please cry me another river as your personnel work dries up. it will happen, it's business and even the government on both sides support this practice.

when the time comes that they can replace US Marines and US army Infantry with drones from boston dynamics then you can kiss your ass goodby, because that is what they will do. holder of the code is gold.

it used to be belief in ones country and it could go either way... now it is the cheapest non US citizen we can hire... next it will be he who holds the codes to the drones.

both of you grow up and realize that you are old news, you get no more and you will obey.

Hey @D71, @TommySr , @aenyc @ the rest of you idiots. you are expendable and you are not their primary concern... been drinking tonight so no filters.... a 500 foot asteroid striking DC during the inauguration is the best answer... lobbyists, former elected officials, heads of 3 letter agencies... all of the creme de la creme of washington.. gone in one orgasmic flash.

You all three think i hate you... no I can see your arguments and see the fallacies in all of them and I have the ability to pull the threads in and weave them into a piece of cloth... each of you rails at your own pet peeves.. mine is the institution as a whole.
In the 1970s the IEEE journals used to have job ads looking for highly skilled tech workers with very low compensation packages. The IEEE was helping corporations run a scam because they were using the fact that they couldn't fill those jobs to lobby for more H1B visas. The IEEE finally stopped doing that.

But this is exactly what is happening today. They're posting highly skilled jobs for next to no money, and complaining they can't find employees, so they want to open up h1b's. Elon is even on video saying it, tht he wants to find people that want to do the work out of love, not money, mean while he gets all the money from their labors. Every time I hear that sound clip it rubs me wrong, and i'd produce it if i could find it, but modern search has gone to shit.
This is the whole minimum wage arguement again. Let the free market dictate the pay. If you don't like it,

If Mcdonalds can't find employee's for $7.25/hr to flip burgers, then they are going to have to try $10/hr, and keep going until they are full of employee's, then adjust the price of their products to reflect it.

If you can't find engineers for 60k/yr, you're going to have to increase your offering, not import slave labor via unlimited h1b's. If you can't do it without slave labor, then it's not worth doing.


diy solar

diy solar