we get it, but if we should not be trusting them for xyz actions why would we trust them for SS benefits? you either trust or you do not trust... I don't trust them.
I am pointing out nothing is wrong with social security other than govt robbed it. Working as designed. Some ppl cant save 1 penny on their own.
As Teal pointed out the aunt which is typical…. cant and didn’t save for retirement. Very typical. COMMON. The Govt got involved a long time ago acting as a parent and we as a child to force a supplemental savings plan with Social Security taken from our wages.
They were capturing a percentage of our wages and putting it in their GOVT bank account for us the workers that participated. Most ppl are involuntary in Social Security and Medicare as mandatory.
Again Social Security did not become a burden until Govt started stealing it.
How many ppl could have and would have taken their Social Security investment and invested it on their own. I’d say virtually none of them because they are like the described Auntie, Didnt save a dime and squandered money so know they would have spent -wasted the Social Security Investment too.
The Govt knows most ENTITLED ppl will never get their money back before dying. So govt started stealing it for voter pet projects. As result we are now taxed to pay back what govt stole. The simple solution is hang the govt as thieves …..which is not going to happen. So come 2032 or whatever the govt will reduce the average Social Security check is around ~$1800 after the 25% proposed cut it will be around $1350.
The ppl that paid into the system did their part the Govt stole it and are not going to be held accountable ….. the right thing to do is therefore cut off all Govt Checks to Congress and above. ZERO RETIREMENTS FOR THEM. They get Social Security and Medicare. Seize all the millions -billions they have in kickbacks for Social Security. Seems like Most of the worse politicians die in office now.
Billionaires like Musk and others think they pay for social security for us and we have not paid into it.
BTW am retired and do not draw social security. That money is basically a forfeit due to other retirements. Which are rolled into Black Rock and Vanguard. Everyone is for most part. Medicare has a $200-$300 deductible and does not cover a lot. Not used it but even as retired still have to pay into Medicare.
I paid an additional $2000 plus in fed taxes on my retirement last year.
The only reason give a fuck is the god damn govt robbed ppl that paid in then robbed tax payers even more and they act like ppl are getting fucking welfare with social security. It was not suppose to be that way. The govt fucked it up and no one wants to take responsibility for the robbery.
They already robbed me. I planned ahead but nothing will save anyone if all this shit crashes. That goes for Bit Coin and rest of that shit too. The Govt will go complete cannibal while pointing their crooked fingers at us.
ELON MUSK is typical billionaire with no understanding of ppl invested monies at our levels. I see him and others wanting to cut them out and no comp. Be same as them stealing from your personal bank account which is next.