"Here - Hold my Beer"
How about some small hollow copper tubing.. every inch or so, and pour some sort of epoxy/urethane to create a diy 'venting' compression spacer.
I'll be running these in my garage that can get hot in the Texas summers. I wonder if clamping them, yet providing some air-flow will make more of a difference than somebody running these in A/C space. It also has me wondering if I need to try to feed a small air-duct into a battery box.
Don't think the wife would like that.
Absolutely no need to do that I would think unless you are at 1C or above ..... SOOO from where I sit -- if you are more concerned about heat the life-cycles then I would NOT clamp them but instead do the totally opposite and put spacers in between the batteries ... #1 killer of LFP is heat ... so some of us in West Texas where we see 120F days and 90F nights in the summer (Summer is Mar-Oct it seems) I am NOT trying to go from 2500 cycles to 3500 cycles BUT trying to get to 1000 cycles without burning up my cells ...