diy solar

diy solar

Five Minute Charge Battery Article

They have Engineering Samples available for Corporates, not anything you or I could get... I would NOT want these until proven in any case. EVE is gearing up to produce these and also to do so in partnership via StoreDot. Similar Battery pack systems are coming from several manufacturers and will be generally available in 2 years for manufacturers and 2+ years after than before Joe & Jane Public can get them.
The problem is that at this point they are cheating, using Germanium ( Expensive ) instead of Silicone that they plan to use ( Cheap) With that said the much thinner application of the slurry and building thin and spaced as well as flexibly to deal with expansion is definitely on the right road.
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Plenty of articles about the latest new "miracle battery" out there for the last 20 years or more.

Where are they now? Have they made it to market? And if not, are they simply licking their wounds by using patent-trolling to create income as an NPE, or Non-Producing-Entity?

Sadly, most announcements I've seen are "investor bait" unless the product is actually in the market.