Some folks may not believe climate change is real, but your insurance company sure as hell does.
Ppl that promote both are in it for profit.
Soooooo... insurance doesn't want to pay out ... afterwords and Climate Religion has no plan except to spend trillions of dollars in money . The Climate Religion are like the Qtards with their old phrase "follow the plan." The Qtards all perk up and smile as if they know. Press them to explain the plan and they can in frustration lash out verbal or even get violent.... 6 jan 2021 mental illness.
Reality nobody had a plan... just like that crazy Qtard shit... Climate Worshippers pump trillions of dollars in and get pennies returned ... as ROI or get nothing - some say just spend even more ..... 1 degree. Hmmmm "can't control weather" is chant when say govt is messing with weather. So which is it? What fucking level of crazy?
How many ppl believe we can fix anything man has done to the climate. Raise your hand and then explain how you intendcool planetback 1 degree. Shss no one doubts natural climate change process. No one. Now what if fuck up and cause an imbalance and we go into an ice age direction. Will you say whoops sorry?
I know one sure way to stop all the talk and worry.... Blow the planet up and kill every living thing on it. After all we all gonna die sooner or later. Maybe the dinosaur said screw it and nuked planet. Besides with nukes........ cock roaches and what not are stated to survive. Sound good.? Nukes really messed the world up so we should use them. We spent a fortune on them. Global cooling will follow every climate expert agreed... Carl Sagan was one..dead mfer that was in wheel chair is another.
We need wars to reduce ppl just like humans manage animal game life preserve populations. Right now White ppl are endangered species so we should reduce all others. Sound good? Why not? You just havent been programmed .... for it. Hold my beer.....Scary part I dont drink.
We desperately need World Population reduction to make all races equal numbers. Sound racist? Why?
Maybe white ppl should fuck like rats and basic rodents populating without a care in the world?
I like sex to repopulate dont you? Pop into in and make babies everytime. While that woman is getting govt care welfare grab another and pop it in. Let govt take care of the bastards. Can only procreate if it is a man and woman. So fags are 1 generation and gone. Reality bites. Or Petra dish test tube baby. Someone would drink the samples.
What part of this is scaring you? Why?
Roller coaster.
Is it racist to say since white ppl cant fuck enough to catch up rest world population then they should be killed off until we are truely equal in numbers for the global resources we have on hand.
You wanted to talk about this no? Climate change and crazy?
Put me in charge and everybody in other countries gonna do the neutron damn untol all races are equal to 1 person per person ratio. Then we can do abortions and such. Sound good? Fair? Why should shitters and eaters get to exist?
Who gets to determine shitters and eaters?
Funny part jewish space lasers are science so those denying queers are prime examples of the crazy. I bet money they ate boogers when small and probably still do. Claim need it for immunity after 5-6 covid vaccine..that saved their life.