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diy solar

diy solar

Good supplier of LTO YinLong batteries?

Adrian R

New Member
Apr 14, 2021
I am looking for a reliable supplier from Alibaba or AliExpress for LTO YinLong 40Ah batteries.

The low price is important, too.

I read that Deligreen and Shenzhen Haomi and Shenzhen Luyuan are to be considered.

Any other recommendations?

Thank you
I believe you will just have to take your chance on finding such a supplier.
Will made a couple of videos regarding those cells, and each time the capacity of the cells was not as advertised
If you can find a supplier who sells good cells, please let us all know (y)
edit: oops didn’t parse the ali express or alibaba constraint.

I’ve bought raw cells (headway 8Ah LFP, others) from batteryhookup and had good results so far. They take a few days to process the order and then like a week for shipping. Haven’t had to communicate for support yet. Packing quality has been reasonable so far. Hope this helps.

With LTO cells, I’m extremely cautious to avoid buying second or third life cells from decommissioned electric bus or bike etc.
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Well, this is the place, Czech Republic, and, for me, no customs since I am in Europe. However, crazy expensive, brand new grade A batteries:

GWL has a really good reputation for me. Never bought from them though. I hope you can find a good deal for LTO cells in your area :)
Well, this is the place, Czech Republic, and, for me, no customs since I am in Europe. However, crazy expensive, brand new grade A batteries:

Adrian, how did you make out with your purchase of lto cells?
Mine are grade B, purchased from China (OSN Power) through a friend from Romania.

However, I have been using them for 2 years now and I am super impressed with the performance.

A small 24v@40Ah bank (2*12v batteries controlled by 2 sbms0) is powering up an entire construction site since last November in a remote area. Electrical saw up to 1200 watt continuous power, concrete mixer of 750 watt, drill machines, grinders, other kinds of saw machines, you name it. Everything but welding since I am not sure the inverter will sustain it.

Grade A Yinlong LTO batteries were published on GWL website after I bought mine.

I am flirting with the idea of expanding my battery bank in the future, I might take into consideration GWL.

Here in Europe is a very simple process if you buy from GWL - you place the order and in 4-5 days you get the batteries, no customs.

I have ordered from GWL 2 sets of Winston LiYFePO4 though, one 24v@400Ah and one 48v@300Ah

Excellent quality, I use electrodacus sbms120 with the 24v and 2 pieces of electrodacus sbms0 with the 48v
I believe you will just have to take your chance on finding such a supplier.
Will made a couple of videos regarding those cells, and each time the capacity of the cells was not as advertised
If you can find a supplier who sells good cells, please let us all know (y)
I have good experiances with GWL in Europe.

Do never buy LTO cells from Shenzhen Yidong Technology Co., Ltd. from Alibaba. They ship grade B cells and do not refund you and claim, that everything is alright. I bought 132 cells for USD 5570.60 and 7 cells had a high internal resistance / impedance of 1mΩ to 10mΩ. Half of the cells arrived with less then 0.5V. People of trade assurance do not understand the graphs and the tests...they require a 3d party inspection by TÜV Reinland in Shenzhen....and guess who pays for that.

The cells with higher impedance then 1mΩ have a bumpy charge/discharge curve and don't pull full capacity at 1C rate (see pictures).

See also document "40Ah LTO Report 2021-10-17" for more information about the issue.

Test requirements for standard test Yinlong datasheet:
Charge to 2.90V with 1C rate (no absorption @ 2.90V)-> Wait 10min -> Discharge with 1C rate to 1.5V

The room temperature mentioned in this product specification is 25℃±5℃.
3.1.2 标准充电方式 Standard Charge Method
在标准环境条件下,以 1I1(40A)电流恒流充电至充电截止电压,停止充电。
Under standard test environment, a cell is charged to the standard charge cut-off voltage at a constant current of 1 I1(40A), then stopped charging.
3.1.3 标准放电方式 Standard Discharge Method
在标准环境条件下,以 1 I1(40A)电流恒流放电至放电截止电压,停止放电。
Under standard test environment, a cell is discharged to the standard discharge cut-off voltage at a constant current of 1 I1(40A), then stopped discharging.
3.1.4 初始容量 Initial Capacity
新出厂的电池,在室温下,完全充电后,以1I1 (40A)电流恒流放电至放电截至电压时所放出的容量(Ah)。
Under standard test environment, a fresh cell is charged in accordance with 3.1.2, and then discharged to the standard discharge cut-off voltage at a constant current of 1I1 (40A), the discharge capacity is defined to be initial capacity.


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diy solar