I believe you will just have to take your chance on finding such a supplier.
Will made a couple of videos regarding those cells, and each time the capacity of the cells was not as advertised
If you can find a supplier who sells good cells, please let us all know
I have
good experiances with
GWL in Europe.
never buy LTO cells from
Shenzhen Yidong Technology Co., Ltd. from
Alibaba. They ship
grade B cells and do not refund you and claim, that everything is alright. I bought
132 cells for
USD 5570.60 and 7 cells had a high internal resistance / impedance of 1mΩ to 10mΩ. Half of the cells arrived with less then 0.5V. People of trade assurance do not understand the graphs and the tests...they require a 3d party inspection by TÜV Reinland in Shenzhen....and guess who pays for that.
The cells with higher impedance then 1mΩ have a bumpy charge/discharge curve and don't pull full capacity at 1C rate (see pictures).
See also document "40Ah LTO Report 2021-10-17" for more information about the issue.
Test requirements for standard test Yinlong datasheet:
Charge to 2.90V with 1C rate (no absorption @ 2.90V)-> Wait 10min -> Discharge with 1C rate to 1.5V
The room temperature mentioned in this product specification is 25℃±5℃.
3.1.2 标准充电方式 Standard Charge Method
在标准环境条件下,以 1I1(40A)电流恒流充电至充电截止电压,停止充电。
Under standard test environment, a cell is charged to the standard charge cut-off voltage at a constant current of 1 I1(40A), then stopped charging.
3.1.3 标准放电方式 Standard Discharge Method
在标准环境条件下,以 1 I1(40A)电流恒流放电至放电截止电压,停止放电。
Under standard test environment, a cell is discharged to the standard discharge cut-off voltage at a constant current of 1 I1(40A), then stopped discharging.
3.1.4 初始容量 Initial Capacity
新出厂的电池,在室温下,完全充电后,以1I1 (40A)电流恒流放电至放电截至电压时所放出的容量(Ah)。
Under standard test environment, a fresh cell is charged in accordance with 3.1.2, and then discharged to the standard discharge cut-off voltage at a constant current of 1I1 (40A), the discharge capacity is defined to be initial capacity.