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diy solar

diy solar

Grid BOSS reviews and/or feedback?


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
Hi All:

I've found this option for wiring EG4-18kPV on their wiring diagrams page (option #8). I am adding solar to an existing system, which already has generac auto transfer switch, and inverter/batteries must go to a little bit remote location. For my project it seems like an absolutely perfect fit.

I searched these forums as well as Will's youtube feed for a review, but couldn't find anything. Has anybody been using that system? Any feedback?

@Will Prowse I think this device would be an excellent candidate for a video review
I would love to hear if there are any red flags, as I'm intending to go forward with it
I'm almost done with my design when flexboss throws a wrench. I intend to keep 18kPV and the reason why is: it will stand aside and i wanna be able to install an inlet to have a small gas generator feed into the system. Just in case.

Please, prove me wrong, I don't like wasting money

diy solar

diy solar