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diy solar

Grid-tie solar producing more energy than needed


New Member
Feb 25, 2024
Folsom, CA
I just installed my grid-tie solar system. I can see that it is making difference on my SMUD electric bill. However, 2-4PM it produced slightly more than my house needs and hourly energy cost and usage went to negative. First off, I was worried about that I would be charged for the excess energy but it seems this meter is smarter than some other. Now, I worry if SMUD would be upset with this that I'm doing something without their consent... Any experience, thoughts? I'm thinking about doubling the capacity soon.
Without net metering, most of the newer electric meters used by the power companies will spin forward whether you import or export. The amount you are exporting gets added to your bill, just as the amount you import. So you may be paying them to give them power.

If you get net metering, you'll get a small percentage back.
The best solution as mentioned by wildbillpdx is to store the excess for later use.
I heard about that; however, my smart meter knows direction of the power; the attached picture is from utility company. I don't know if they take absolute value to add hourly consumption, that would be something :)
Your account will automatically be flagged and you will likely have a site visit very soon. If you don't comply and get permitted ( longer term ) and disconnect ( immediately ) the power company may just pull your meter until it is resolved to the power companies satisfaction.
Solar Guppy is correct. Power companies usually crack down on power export quickly and severely. Sometimes with a huge fine. They really don’t like it when they see power coming out of a residence without a net metering agreement.
I just realized you are in California. They are going to come down on you hard. If I were you, I’d take everything down immediately before they show up. Leave no trace that you had solar anything at all.
Since you really did it, just leave it alone and see what’s going on. A smart meter doesn’t go backwards if power Company doesn’t program it ( 151 for normal, 232 for solar customer) in worse case, power company come and tell you disconnect it. That all. I know some one did the same thing sine 2019 intill now. Nothing happened.what inverted are you use, if it had a CT, set it to take some power so it don’t show negative.
It got worse with more sun yesterday :(
I have a SUN2000 GTIL-2H, it senses power consumption but failing to limit the generation. I may have to turn on hard limits instead.
This inverter had a claim sensor. Did you used it, do you set zero export? I don’t know this inverter
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It is 240V inverter so I connected to 240V on the electric panel; hence providing power to both phases. I picked some load wires in the panel for the sensor because the sensor won't fit to main power cables. The inverter reads positive values as expected. I tried swapping L1 and L2 but that causes negative sensing power, so there's not whole a lot I could change.
This is the link for the inverter.

I just realized you are in California. They are going to come down on you hard. If I were you, I’d take everything down immediately before they show up. Leave no trace that you had solar anything at all.
I hope they give advance notice before coming
It is 240V inverter so I connected to 240V on the electric panel; hence providing power to both phases. I picked some load wires in the panel for the sensor because the sensor won't fit to main power cables. The inverter reads positive values as expected. I tried swapping L1 and L2 but that causes negative sensing power, so there's not whole a lot I could change.
This is the link for the inverter.

That is not a grid tie inverter designed for the US market. You should remove it today.
Reporting back.. I put two CT sensors in parallel feeding from the legs separately. I was able to achieve 0W backfeed. CT sensors are half the gain compared to the original 1:4000. I have not seen or heard from utility company so far. Crossed fingers.

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