diy solar

diy solar

Growatt SPH 3600 TL BL-UP Advanced settings


New Member
Jan 25, 2024
I've had a Growatt 3600 Hybrid inverter for about 8 months. It has a (separate) changeover switch so we can power the house if there's a power cut.
It all works fine...

Well, I understand all the SOC settings and modes for On-Grid use, and I can see that the battery will discharge down to 10% before the unit takes from the grid. And I can see how to change that 10% figure to something more conservative, such as 15%. We only hit the bottom in mid-winter anyway.

The first time we had a looooong power-cut we sat there feeling suitably smug watching TV, when all the lights went out. A quick look at the inverter showed that it turned off when the battery dropped to 20%. When the power resumed, the house got powered by the battery again, down to 10% SOC before taking from the grid.

A quick google showed that this is indeed the expected behaviour. Expected, but not helpful.

I notice in the Advanced Settings (using their web server on a Desktop) that there is an extra (normally hidden) setting called "Off Grid SOC" which can be set between 10% and 100%. And the current value is 0.
What *is* this setting? Will a 10% value in there let me survive a longer power cut or is this setting something else?

I've googled till me fingers bleed and can't find the answer anywhere.
All help appreciated!

diy solar

diy solar