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diy solar

diy solar

How about a separate EG4 subforum?

After they posted this and I deleted all of the links, I said that I want them to post actual resources that are useful. That's why it slammed with data sheets or manuals.

I've been doing the no links, deals or prices for a while.

It gets tough because if someone is having an issue and the company recommends buying a chargeverter for example, that's promotion. But that could fix the issue. I still want people to be helped by the companies directly, it's very useful for many people. But it's hard to define promotional.

So I run into this issue all the time.
Model it after what companies typically put out as a "press release" for product announcements. Looks like a news story, gets the word out that the device exists, etc. but usually contains no sales info.

<EDIT> links to things like data sheets or manuals seems like it should be acceptable here in the context of a product release.
Yes exactly, that's why I had them add that. I think that's actually useful for the community.
I've been doing the no links, deals or prices for a while.
Then you need to change the rules to say that promotional advertising is fine. As long as they don't provide links or pricing.
Of course that seems a little silly. Finding the price is simple. You just go to their site.
The advertising is what generates interest and sales. And free advertising in this forum, reaches a large market.
Like I said, I don't care what the actual rules are. As long as they are clear and fairly executed.
We can't help, if we don't know what to report, when we see it.
Then you need to change the rules to say that promotional advertising is fine. As long as they don't provide links or pricing.
Of course that seems a little silly. Finding the price is simple. You just go to their site.
The advertising is what generates interest and sales. And free advertising in this forum, reaches a large market.
Like I said, I don't care what the actual rules are. As long as they are clear and fairly executed.
We can't help, if we don't know what to report, when we see it.
What do you think about the example of someone trying to troubleshoot their system and then a company makes a product recommendation. Even though it is helpful it is still promotional. I see your point and I totally agree but I'm trying to figure out what is educational and what is promotional.
These companies will even pay for people to sit on this forum to help beginners with issues. I want all companies to post on here. What do you think about allowing promotional but informational content without links pricing or deals. You are a major contributor here so your opinion helps me greatly
Long ago we had the corporate section and any company could post promotional content but it quickly got out of hand with the cell resellers. Had to clean out like 50 profiles that were used for selling cells to members. Constantly using deals and promotions and messaging individuals constantly. That was ridiculous and these served no educational value to the forum
Why not treat links as ads and charge for them?
I often check sites to see what's up, you getting a piece of the action wouldn't upset my anti capitalist feelings.
One of the problems with "Modern" Society is that common sense has gone out the window. I think it's mainly because of Lawyers wrecking everything and a general dumbing down of society that has now left us with a Me Me Generation.
To compensate we now use rules and regulations for everything, even things that should really just be governed by common sense.

@Will Prowse you got enough smart people on here that know the difference between Free Advertising and someone being helpful. Many of us can see when a company is offering a product solution to help a customer vs one when they are upfront just trying to upsell the person on their latest product.
In the Case of Signature Solar / EG4 they are almost always trying to promote their products to create sales by skirting the edges of whatever rules you put into place. While other companies like Current Connected are always trying to find real solutions for customers.

My recommendation is to just set the Rule and let users Report the content that crosses the Line.
My take and I think many other peoples take has been that SS/EG4 has a special relationship with you, so reporting it was a waste of time.
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Having a close connection with manufactures either directly or through their distributors I think has huge benefit. I was in communications and did allot of Harris equipment. They are a large worldwide company. Through corp purchase deals and working with new release gear, I was fortunate to have access to their engineers. Very handy when problems come up.
Why not treat links as ads and charge for them?
I often check sites to see what's up, you getting a piece of the action wouldn't upset my anti capitalist feelings.
I can't, I need to follow the rules too. If I were allowed to post links, I would be worse than any company out there 🤣

Some have said I should have a section for businesses to post at that I charge them a flat monthly fee. That would probably die off over time. I want it to be an open discussion board where there are no pay walls. Levels the playing field for all companies and members
What do you think about the example of someone trying to troubleshoot their system and then a company makes a product recommendation. Even though it is helpful it is still promotional. I see your point and I totally agree but I'm trying to figure out what is educational and what is promotional.
That's a tough one.
I guess it would depend on what's being recommended.
An accessory, like a charger would probably be fine.
But, "you should be using our product instead of what you have" wouldn't.
I recommend things, all of the time. Most of the time it's not brand specific, unless only one brand offers it.
That's a tough one.
I guess it would depend on what's being recommended.
An accessory, like a charger would probably be fine.
But, "you should be using our product instead of what you have" wouldn't.
I recommend things, all of the time. Most of the time it's not brand specific, unless only one brand offers it.
Would you like to be a mod and see what discussions on the backend we have on how we should deal with these? It's really tough sometimes. If enough people complain about something, I'll sway to whatever the people want. Other times, I have to put my foot down like the cell suppliers. Really depends
I don't really care what rules are set, as long as it's clear and everyone is held to them.
A representative answering questions is a great resource.
But a vendor announcing new products is purely advertising.
But that "advertising" is of benefit to the DIY community. If it is a new product, people might like to be informed that such exists. Do you not think it is advantageous to have that information brought to this forum?
But that "advertising" is of benefit to the DIY community. If it is a new product, people might like to be informed that such exists. Do you not think it is advantageous to have that information brought to this forum?
I'm not making the rules. Just asking that whatever the rules are, they be equally applied to everyone.
Mod is the worst job plus no pay.
They use to get paid on some big Forums that I visited, but I doubt that is the case anymore.
In 2025 AI is taking over moderation and it Sucks! I am really hoping that whole AI thing dies a quick death but realistically I know it won't. It will just morph into being less intrusive and noticeable while it's silently gobbling up millions of Jobs.
Not possible. The forum software is not setup that way and to protect it from exploits as much as possible those kinds of changes won't be made since regular updates would erase the changes.
Gotcha. Without the right systems in place it's not possible. I was thinking something along the lines of my favorite tech forum https://stackoverflow.com/ . Everything is tag based and searchable, dynamically tracking tags you follow and other trending topics. It also allows for posters to tag a reply as the "solution" and gives points to the poster who solves the issue.

This is a GREAT venue and very much appreciated by folks like me who habitually get in over their heads! Thanks to all who have the gumption to answer the same question asked 100 different ways without making us feel like ID10T's.
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Heres one today. No tech data whatsoever. Its just a EG4 comercial.


diy solar

diy solar