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diy solar

diy solar

How are your batteries doing during this cold snap?


Solar Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2023
My Pytes V5 batteries are in an attached garage. Lowest battery temperature so far is 8C, hasn't triggered the battery heaters yet. Heater should turn on at 5C. Before anyone comments, the garage door is not open.
Ours are in basement here in NH. It was -13F last night. Basement never gets colder than 50F and we've seen -34F before. I'll never understand houses without basements.

Our basement has no direct heating or thermostat control.
In the recent cold snap in the UK my batteries got down to 3.5C in a barn with 2ft stone walls with -8C outside, turned on a lizard heater under them and got them up to 5C in 2 hrs. Highest they have ever been in summer is 22C so they have a quiet life temperature wise.
In the recent cold snap in the UK my batteries got down to 3.5C in a barn with 2ft stone walls with -8C outside, turned on a lizard heater under them and got them up to 5C in 2 hrs. Highest they have ever been in summer is 22C so they have a quiet life temperature wise.
For QC - 3.5c in Barn 38.3F
OAT - -8c = 17.6F
Up to 5c = 41F
Summer 22c = 71.6F

corrected as brought to my attention.. by kommando - thanks :), to error is human, to forgive is devine..! :)
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Mine would be fine except for the chickens
I've got a 2' insulated foam board box with seed starting mats that easily keep things warm well below freezing
trouble is I left the chickens out (free range) after the first snow and they went into the garage and they pecked a big hole in the box
I didn't notice until sub zero temps hit and the BMS low temp shut down charging

just one of the problems when everything works for so long you get complacent

MariaDB [Monitoring]> select min(EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS), max(EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS), avg(EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS) from EG4 where EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS > 15;
| min(EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS) | max(EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS) | avg(EG4$Alpha$MinCellTemp_BMS) |
|                       25.00000 |                       39.00000 |                   31.845957311 |
1 row in set (3.053 sec)


diy solar

diy solar