diy solar

diy solar

How to get solar when you can't afford it

3-D, larger version of VR headset for your cell phone.
It does make more sense to have virtual windows via glasses/contacts than actual TVs mounted where you want windows.

Although it might be nice to have fans in the walls so that when you virtually open a window you get an actual "breeze".
I was just making a joke. Should have used a smiley face and the joke would be funnier if some weren't actually promoting the idea.

Still $200 a year is a bit of change, is it really that much? Well, let's see....

Assume TV costs same as equal size double pane window with, R-Value of 2 vs. insulated wall value of R-23 where R= ?T/BTU/h and ?T=40F.

Rearranging, BTU/h = ?T / R, a double pane window has a heat loss of 20 BTU/h per sqft. A wall has a heat loss of 1.7 BTU/h/sqft. With a 54"x34" (65") TV as the viewing space that would be 255 BTU/h for a window and 22 BTU/h for a TV. A delta of 232.7 BTU/hr, or In watts, that's a delta of 68.5 W/h-window.

Let's say that ?T only lasts for 100 days. So that's 68.5W/h/window x 24 h/d x 100 d = 164.3 kW/window/season. It's linear, so lets say for 100 days in the summer there's a ?T=20F, that's 82 kW/window/season.

In Winter, using a heat pump (no fossil fuels in the future) with a COP of 3 (Q/W), that's 164 kW / 3 =55 kW. At $0.15/kWh, that's $8.25/winter/y. In Summer, 83 / 3 x 0.15 = $4.15/summer/y, or $12.45/y/window. With a constant COP we can assume the heat generated by the TVs in winter (which reduces heat load) is canceled out by the cooling required in summer. There's a lot of heat loss via air-leaks, so the actual savings should be more.

If you had 10 windows, that would be $120/y savings. So, not quite $200 per year. Still, if you're thinking about hurricane glass, this might be a better option.

But, from this, we can deduce that Mr. 1201 has $200 / 12.45 = ~16 windows and over 20 years will throw away $4,000. ; -)

Regarding heliotherapy, it would be cheaper and healthier to just have a garden outside. I wonder if TVs use "natural" light LEDs?

I think the TV would need a sensor to change the camera's angle of view based on the viewer's distance from the window. ; -)
Good calculation

But but but

South facing windows are net heat gainers in the winter(at least in my area) , so instead of losing money they actually save me money ,?

I'm in full support of being outside but in texas if you remove the days when it's too cold, and the days when it's too hot, and the days with high pollen count and mosquitoes, you have 2 good days a year to spend outdoors ?

Ive known people who wanted to build a windowless house to save money but to me the single most important defining characteristic of a good house is good daylighting
Back to "Basement/Earth Sheltered CAN'T HAVE WINDOWS" tantrums...

You just have to ask the thick-heads which way they want it, too many windows or no windows...

I need a program to keep up...

Passive solar IS SOLAR.

Thermal solar IS SOLAR.

It's right there in the name....
Was watching a bunch of folks restoring old machinery. Even trains and bull dozers.

People think battery tech and running stuff on DC is a new thing.

As Sheryl Bassey was famous for singing... it's all just a little bit of history repeating.

The first powered cars where DC battery. The first trains. Most of the first engines had DC generators.
It is Dame Shirley not plain Sheryl
Passive solar IS SOLAR.
Thermal solar IS SOLAR.
It's right there in the name....
Colloquially, this site is assumed to be about photovoltaic systems.
In some of Will’s vids in sunny LV he does merely lay panels on the ground. That’s not to assume they are thermally powered - just passively mounted.
I'm waiting for Svetz recap on the thread of how to get "solar when you can't afford it".

Everyone's in a different situation, but at this point, PV can be had with little money and relatively quick return. I've seen small systems mentioned as having the worst return, but a small system can be had for next to nothing assuming the level of diy usually associated with such systems.

I've come across countless individual used and new panels that have basically been leftover from other systems, and getting creative from a diy standpoint.

Lathes and mills used to be expensive and extremely expensive new, but when CNC machines came out, people switched to those. Now, if you have the means to move them, even the Gen 1 cnc machines can be had for pennies on the dollar compared to the new ones.
"Cheap Solar"... Stand in the sun.

Ted Cruz says CO2 is good for plants, but I think he's more poison ivy than strawberry... If you see him while standing in the sun, move away...

For those of us older than smart phones, 'Passive Solar' was graphically (and painfully) demonstrated when we jumped in a car with vinyl seats that sat in the sun.
How vinyl can be hotter than lava, I can't answer, but a kid in shorts know this to be true.

Passive solar was demonstrated by shade trees thst lost leaves in the winter to regulate sun on the home, porches that let low winter sun in the home, blocked high summer sun.
Awnings over windows were also common... Way before electric powered HVAC ruled people's lives.

It's not really that hard to grasp... But SOME people 'Think' it doesn't work anymore...
I use the term 'Think' sarcastically here since it's obvious they don't/can't think for themselves...

The idea 'Solar' has to be PV is beyond me... Probably the 'Idiot Proof' generations that never lived without forced heat and air conditioning, never know a room that didn't have light switches, never rode bicycles miles to work, they were status symbols and toys, not work tools...

I've seen where people cut the top & bottom out of aluminum cans, stacked them up, painted them black, collected the heat as it rose up the 'Tube' of cans.
First time I saw this it was in a supposedly 3rd world country that everyone in the U.S. turned their noses up at, but it was pure genius to heat a home with exactly zero cost since it was all 'Trash here...

Pallet wood + cans = daytime heat and combustible material (wood) savings. Pure genius.

I used a black plastic barrel on top my outhouse to heat water, gravity did the 'Running' part so I could wash.

In the 60's, the neighbors had black plastic water pipe in loose coils on the barn roof, and they had greenhouses with big water tanks...

You use a lot of water in greenhouses...
Available water and heat.

I now know that was heat banking in the water tanks to keep the greenhouses warm at night.
I used the same idea when I built my greenhouse in the 90s.
It still works today despite what people tell you...

Green Houses... The small version is a Hot Frame or Hot Box, an old window on a wooden or plastic box. I use both every year to start plants before winter gives up.
Open it up a little to vent it when it gets TOO warm. Venting since heat rises in earth's atmosphere... Not a hard concept to grasp how solar can be used.

When I got disabled, had ZERO money, no 'Home' (living in a tent, using an outhouse)
And absloutely HAD to generate an income to pay taxes... No one cares about disabled veterans no matter what they say...

My first 'Greenhouse' was scrub saplings arched (free), clear plastic wrap around the outside (cheap/free), and that plastic wrap lasted 3 years.

A warm place to sit and do my phsyical therapy on cold days, passive solar thermal... It still works despite what you'll hear from so called 'Experts'.

Those really tall double hung windows in old homes could be opened at the top to remove heat collected in the room well before fan forced ventlation... You get a draft started WITHOUT fan forced ventilation. It still works...

A standing vent pipe will have 'Draw' year around, and like in a root cellar, you provide earth cooled air (pipes) the vent will provide the power to draw in that cooler air.

Chimnies with 'Dampers' can be your topside vent pipe to get the 'Draw' working.

Do that in the home, vent topside, draw from basement, sistern or root cellar, you get cool air in the home. No fan forced ventilation at all...

EXACTLY 100% ENERGY EFFICENCY since it took exactly ZERO outside energy to do...
I'd like to see the ZERO outside energy, 100% efficient systems from the HVAC guys...

Want to do solar electric (Photo Voltaic), for $1 to $5 you can buy a PV powered pathway/sidewalk/patio LED light at the dollar store.
There is a solar panel, storage, control circuit, and light (electrical load). Usually a light sensitive switch to turn it On/Off.

I still use them on the chicken house, a staple or eye bolt on the side of the chicken house leaves them outside to charge, at night they light up the chicken house to help with the predator situation, and if you are going in, just take one with you, it turns on by itself... Light where you need it, when you need it...

1$ to $5 light is your 'Learning' platform. There is economy in scale, so once you learn, scale up.

"No Money"... There is this concept of 'Work', doing something constructive for money or goods... YOU trade labor for materials or money.

Without sarcasm, I have met people that do not understand this concept.

As for PV, I scrounge panels wherever I could. From highway road signs people hit, carcass sold at auction. Panels, batteries, charge controller, and often a trailer.

I scrounged the panels off government buildings with political parties changed. I figure my tax dollars paid full retail (plus) for the panels, the install, the removal, so I didn't feel one bit bad about offering little to nothing for hauling the 'Scrap' off. Even got paid a few times.

Batteries started as automotive, went to big industral (steel case) as I learned about batteries and what an actual deep cycle battery was, and what Amp Hours it took to actually run something constructive.

When a steel case won't do a full shift in an underground mine or on a fork truck, it's 'Scrap', and I bought it for scrap weight. When I was done with it, I sold it for scrap weight.

Sometimes brand new batteries get damaged, I figured out how to repair and use them for my specific application. Bonus kWh included in that 'Scrap Price'.

Dead cell? Cut the connecting bridges and jump it.
Melted terminals? Drill a hole and install a stud.
Broken bridge between cells? Drill two holes and connect a cable.

Won't pass for 'New', but it provides a BUNCH of kWh for my system, Cheap to free.

Now that I have some dollars to spend I don't fool with lead/acid anymore, but if your budget is small they are still out there in the millions... for 3 to 4 cents a pound.
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Another 'Scrounger' low dollar way to do things...

Brand new in box 56 VDC, 7.5 Ah Lithium-Ion batteries for lawn mowers, lost freight auction, approximately 56 on a pallet/12 pallets sold recently (last saturday) for $42 a pallet at public auction is all they could get.

7.5 Ah X 56 = 420 Ah per pallet.
420 Ah X 12 pallets = 5,040 Ah total for $504 USD.

At 56 VDC, it's about perfect for a "48 Volt" system base.

I can't be at every sale, I missed the sale.
I was riding plastic barbie cars and red wagons down a big hill with my idiot friends... (alcohol involved)

Just showing not having a bunch of money to blow means it has to limit what you get done.

Now, with a little education/ability to determine if the batteries have a BMS built in, or the charger does those duties, and you could have one heck of a lot of storage for cheap.

LOTS of cheap lithium-ion BMS/chargers out there, both grid and solar.
LOTS of FREE information on sizing, connecting those BMS units correctly, wiring the batteries En Banc.

The savings on the storage frees up a LOT of money on control & charging equipment!
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