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I Installed 11000KVA hybrid Offgrid Techfine inverter with 18pcs 555wp Longi Solar Panels. I also have 52V 280Ah x 2 Battery with BMS.
everything run and no error. But I annoyed by the system setting..That I can not have tHe PV Power Load First then excess energy will be used to charge battery in "AC Mode" it can only do that in "DC modes "
does anybody experience samething ?
the system setting has these few function :
1. INPUT priority
SBU ( Utility will only be used if no solar and battery available )
SUB ( battery only used as a backup when both solar and Utility is not available)
2. the charging priority
BLU and LBU ( Battery Load Utility and Load Battery Utility as Output Priority )
3. charging source
SNU ( solar and electricity together)
CSO ( solar firsr, utility used only when solar not available)
OSO ( only Solar)
so What I do right now is the system will go to DC modes when Battery bms detected 70% SoC. and back to AC mode when Bms detected 25% Soc.
I set SBU,CSO and LBU..
what annoy me is.LBU doesnt during charging state when Battery SoC is less than 70%, All PV power will be used to charge Battery and ignoring the Load. the load will take 100% from Grid. After 70% reached the inverter will Ignore Grid . all Load will be powered by Solar PV , if not enough it will consume Battery.
what I want is :
1. when Battery less than 70%, PV will prioritize load, if PV power is not enough then take from Grid, but if PV power is more,then charge the battery.
but this operation can only be done if I set to SUB mode + On grid Enabled. but doing so, even when the battery is 100%, the System will ignore Battery unless both Solar and grid is not Available...
does Anybody has Same problem with me ??
is this Techfine Inverter is Error...or It is common for all Hybrid inverter behave this way ???
everything run and no error. But I annoyed by the system setting..That I can not have tHe PV Power Load First then excess energy will be used to charge battery in "AC Mode" it can only do that in "DC modes "
does anybody experience samething ?
the system setting has these few function :
1. INPUT priority
SBU ( Utility will only be used if no solar and battery available )
SUB ( battery only used as a backup when both solar and Utility is not available)
2. the charging priority
BLU and LBU ( Battery Load Utility and Load Battery Utility as Output Priority )
3. charging source
SNU ( solar and electricity together)
CSO ( solar firsr, utility used only when solar not available)
OSO ( only Solar)
so What I do right now is the system will go to DC modes when Battery bms detected 70% SoC. and back to AC mode when Bms detected 25% Soc.
I set SBU,CSO and LBU..
what annoy me is.LBU doesnt during charging state when Battery SoC is less than 70%, All PV power will be used to charge Battery and ignoring the Load. the load will take 100% from Grid. After 70% reached the inverter will Ignore Grid . all Load will be powered by Solar PV , if not enough it will consume Battery.
what I want is :
1. when Battery less than 70%, PV will prioritize load, if PV power is not enough then take from Grid, but if PV power is more,then charge the battery.
but this operation can only be done if I set to SUB mode + On grid Enabled. but doing so, even when the battery is 100%, the System will ignore Battery unless both Solar and grid is not Available...
does Anybody has Same problem with me ??
is this Techfine Inverter is Error...or It is common for all Hybrid inverter behave this way ???