diy solar

diy solar

Idea for direct solar heat storage

Low resistance heating elements are bad because you end up with a lot of resistance in everything before the heating element. Studies have shown for direct connect that and element of twice what you think is ideal gives higher total daily output. Power point heater control is the way to go to maximize output. It takes twice to three times the panels to get the same performance. The science is out there, no need to just waste money experimenting with disproven ideas.
You make a number of good points, it's time to rethink this operation. The benefits of adding some smarts to this system outweigh the downsides of the added complexity. I'll still use concrete as the heaters but I need to rethink their operation and composition. Fixed power modulated over time is better suited than modulated power over fixed time.
Hello all, particularly spudtoo,

I am new to this too, but have done a lot of brain investment into this whole thermal storage for over 20 years.

Here MHO:
  1. concrete is not a good conductor, different then we would believe
  2. storing energy in a 2/3 full 5 gal pail is good for a test, but nothing to keep your breakfast egg warm
  3. using PV panels to create heat to then store it is (again MHO) thinking around the corner
So, the thermal storage has to be of size, retrievable on demand and not at random.

I feel.