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diy solar

diy solar

Intelligent balance system by Daily


New Member
Jan 26, 2025
Good morning
I am new in this forum and my english is a bit....." rusty".
I made a storage system with lithium battery ( no LFP ).
My battery is i high tension and works in 220 DC.
About the balance system i choose 2 balance system 24S and 1 6S Daily.
I need to monitoring the cells tension with my software in I.A written in Phyton.
Im not be able to enter in UART to catch the data.
If use the bluetooth device with APP and wire in parallel a microcontroller i catch the data but only if the APP is active.
I would like catch the data always.
I try the data request protocol like as 0xA5,0X4A ecc. but it doesnt works.
The response in logical analyzer start with 0xD2 SO I think that active balance is different as a BMS.
Ican't use the BMS because i work with 54S and BMS Daily works 34S max
Hi, may you send more information about the balance systems ? picture, model etc.
If they are Daly BMSs (not balancing appliance) i might be able to help, but i do not own a smart balancer from Daly.
Is a intelligent balance by Daily 24S.
I have 2 of this in serial connection, the ground of first is 0Volt but the ground of second is 80Volt so Ican't use the BMS, i need to use only the balance and control the battery with my device.
Actually i tried to enter in bluetooth comunication with a ESP32 device to change the data in serial comunication ( I'd like prefer it).
In second i tried to connect in parallel the ESP32 to catch the data but i have the data only when the bluetooth app works.


  • bms.jpg
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  • batt.jpg
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Yep indeed they are balancers - thanks. I have the 5A version, which is dumb version, no serial; And in parallel, I have a 16S BMS, which is where I receive the data thought a ESP32/Esphome firmware.

I am unsure about this device's protocol, but probably if you sniff the serial comm, you might catch a bluetooth/app heatbeat.
if the protocol is the same as the BMS. it worth trying to plug an ESP32 with ESPhome to check if it works.

I have the logic state analyzer in parallel at wire UART- Bluetooth module in tx and in rx.
I receive the data from balancer to bluetooth module ( only when the APP works ) but i have no data from bluetooth module to UART.
Like as the request code doesn't exist or cripted.
Actually I tried:
0xA5,( fixed from daily datasheet) 0x40, 0x95,( request voltage cells) 0x08(lenght) and checksum: nothing
0xD2 ( from balance receive this value not 0xA5 so i think is different request code) 0x40,0x95,0x08 and checksum: nothing
0xA5, 0x80, 0x95, 0x08 and checksum: nothing
0xD2, 0X80, 0X95, 0X08 and checksum: nothing
0xA5, 0X20, 0X20, 0X08 and checksum: nothing
0xD2, 0X20, 0X20, 0X08 and checksum: nothing
I receive data only if APP works


Maybe i found somethings but is very strange.
I think work with modbus protocol because the transmission pack is:
0xD2, 0X03, and finish with "big endian checksum" and this is tipical to modbus.
Here we have a one wire that transmit but other wire is only hight, i don't have anything data in second wire.
How send the request?
Send with only 1 wire?
Setting the analyzer in both modality ( master and slave) I finally read the request, in the same wire of the response.
Send the request and wait the response, withouth the clock? how do it?

diy solar

diy solar