diy solar

diy solar

Inverter Type Question


New Member
Jul 29, 2021
Hi all,

I have been diligently studying Solar and am trying to figure out what type of Inverter I want to get.

I know right now that I don't want to get a grid-tie inverter since net-metering has strict requirements to get approval on in my country.

However what I want is to have a 1kw solar system with around a 3kwh battery and also be connected to the electrical utility company at the same time.

I would like to have electricity come first from solar, when solar is not available then use the battery, and then finally go to utility when both solar and battery are unavailable.

My question would I need a hybrid inverter for this? and do all types of hybrid inverters work in this manner? I have seen some hybrid inverters place order as Solar, Electrical, then battery if all are down. Is this generally something configurable on all Hybrid Inverters? for a lot of hybrid inverters I have been reviewing, I can't seem to find the specific instructions on this.

Thanks all for your help :). I definitely hope to help contribute to this site once I have gotten myself exposed more to solar power.
Hybrid is a nebulous term that means different things to different people.
If I understand your requirements you don't want to export power to the grid.
You want an inverter/charger.
Inverter/chargers are also include an automatic transfer switch.
Most of them can be set to stay on solar/battery until battery voltage hits a low trigger.
This is an example of an inverter/charger
My question would I need a hybrid inverter for this? and do all types of hybrid inverters work in this manner? I have seen some hybrid inverters place order as Solar, Electrical, then battery if all are down. Is this generally something configurable on all Hybrid Inverters? for a lot of hybrid inverters I have been reviewing, I can't seem to find the specific instructions on this.
Yes all the major players for hybrid inverters, MPP/Growatt and solark all have software settings that allow you various controls on how the load is supplied (solar/batter/grid) as well as how the batteries are charged (solar/grid)

The details of which can be found in the various manuals for those products. They do a fairly good job of stepping you through all the options however it can take a bit to understand how the all work together as its a fequent question and I know I've had to clarify the operation of settings more than once for people with questions.
Consider an inverter with "zero export" option. Works just like net metering grid tie inverter, except with a current transformer around the utility feed, is only backfeeds your house to the point of reducing consumption to zero, never exporting.

It can then do its share of feeding any and all loads, including things like central A/C that would be too big for it to power off-grid.

Separately, if you want you can look for the same inverter and attached batteries to provide backup of some important loads during power failures.
If you want to run anything that has a motor while grid is down, inverter needs a multiple second surge capability about 5x greater than nameplate current draw of the appliance.