Hey I'm glad that someone is getting use out of my efforts to find cell datasheets. (Edit: Disclaimer, All of the datasheets I have posted have been found in the wild, None have been give to me by EVE)
As for why the "English" version is different it is possible that the vendor has edited it to look better. You can tell based on the bad translation. When cycles is translated from English from Chinese you will see weeks or times. If you look at the other official English EVE datasheets in that collection you see it is always translated as cycles. I have found many fake or altered datasheets as i've hunted for them. Notably is the CATL 310Ah datasheet which is an edited CATL 100ah datasheet.
There is another less likely but possible explanation. The A31 datasheet provided is the A31-V1 datasheet. There does exist a A31-V2 and that could be the datasheet you are looking at though I'd find that less likely. The A31-V2 is also a higher capacity cell being 141ah over the 133ah in the latest EVE brochure I have. There are also other versions like the LMFP (Lithium Manganese Iron Phosphate) that I saw at the battery show Europe. Note that it's show wrap is purple instead of Blue (LFP) or Green (NCM).
View attachment 225223View attachment 225224
Lastly the reason that the datasheet is only in Chinese and the reason for it not being on EVE's website is that it is one of their Automotive department produces. EVE USA does not advertise any of these at all. (They've also given me the run around when I have asked about them).