Solar Enthusiast
You're doing better than what Xcel pays (not that I don't agree with your "Grrrrrrr!"). Here are Xcel's historic AHIC rates:
Historic AHIC amounts:
2023: 1.529¢ 2022: 2.672¢ 2021: 1.786¢ 2020: 1.115¢ 2019: 1.205¢ 2018: 1.503¢
But Xcel is still better than some local Co-ops and such. Grand Valley Power (and other Co-ops), for example, limits solar to maximum 10kW DC rated and they can choose whether they will allow bigger systems (GVP does not). They must pay out for excess generation but can choose a "rate deemed appropriate." Xcel uses the 200% rule for maximum DC rated size. Finally, GVP has $31.50 monthly base charge, whereas Xcel is $9.39.
So in the end, like you, the payout amount is peanuts but overall it's better than if I were with GVP. At least I was able to put up a 31kW system and will get some dollars back. And the base rate is 70% less.
Xcel is worse for sure. CORE (utility) also has the 10kW max 200% of your current usage rule for net metering. I went with Qualifying Facility so I could go with 33.52kW. I've also seen the writing is on the wall with net metering and that it will be going away in the future.
I really don't want to be buying any power from my utility. I have to sell 3 to 1 to break even, not to mention selling enough to off set their monthly charges. I talked with my wife today and she is on board with buying another five SOK batteries in a month or two. The extra 25kW should make it that I'm not having to buy from my utility each day unless the weather is really bad. Even then, I have the option of running the generator.
I've attached a copy of the bill for giggles.