I'm sure no answer. Also, Namy is not the developer nor works in the company who develops this app. But most probably Namy have access to their contacts. Please, write another email and also tell please that new version of the JK BMS app (v 4.30) which have all recent needed features, to display what is supported in newest firmware versions, that app compiled with support only for phones based on arm64v8a and does not work on phones based on v7 architecture. It's very simple for the developers to compile their app for both architectures, It just simply frustrating by what logic they didn't done that. Started from version 4.28 they compiled only for arm64v8a but before that - only for v7.
Also , the latest version have to be published to google app store so we could download it via websites like apkmirror (apk downloaders) if Jikong by some reason don't want to publish newest apps on their website directly.
Of course, why not make life of your customers a little easier ? They deserve look for a phones which supported and search for the source where to download latest versions of the required apps. The same about Windows app. Where is the latest version (with support of latest features by firmware) is available to download ? Not outdated, but latest fully working version. Nobody knows. Top company secret with NDA signed by all who know about it. May be only for official installers/ready batteries manufacturers? But even them don't care to provide a latest app / windows soft to the end customer...