Emperor Of Solar
I presently have 6 packs in Parallel and linked together. They are addressed from 0 to 5.I’ve made good progress over the last couple of days — RCV correctly set after carefully reviewing Andy’s settings video, and I’m communicating with the PC App via a USB-RS485 cable.
Well… sort of. I have two batteries in parallel. I have disconnected the master from the CAN connection to my Cerbo, disconnected the second battery, DIP switches set to 0000… But the PC monitor app only sees it as device 0 in the “parallel” tab.
Which seems to limit my ability to do anything to it, or access the full suite of features in the app. I can’t get the about tab to display, for example, and the main reason for needing the app — updating firmware — doesn’t want to work either.
Any ideas as to why I can’t see the BMS as a standalone unit, rather than on the parallel screen?
Thanks! Andrew.
PC App is connected to Pack 0 and can "see" the other packs and look at their stats "but that's all". It cannot change settings on the packs in Parallel. The PC App / Firmware/Software only allows you to change settings on Batt Pack ID #1 and that includes updating firmware. To change settings & update the firmware you have to be connected to the specific Pack and have it's Device ID set to #1