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diy solar

Junlee battery and their BMS


New Member
Aug 22, 2023
Hello people. I would like to ask your opinion and advise if possible. I have 2 Powerwall battery packs by JunleePower brand. 48v 100ah, with BMS supposed to communicate via rs485 or can, and with rs232. Standard thing overall, decently working, unless it comes to communication. I can't establish any communication with the batteries though any of the ports. The guys from the manufacturer sent me BMS manual, so the wiring should be correct. And the only thing I was able to get using the Seplos Battery monitor 2.1.8 - the BMS manufacturer is VKingner, bms software ver 0.2, protocol version 5.2. Seplos was the only software that was able to pull at least anything via RS485. PBMS tool had no luck. Factory guys in China stopped to answer. Their manual shows that BMS uses protocol called WingDing (for all RS485, CAN and RS232) which, probably something their own. And I can't log in to the battery to switch the protocol to the other one. Does anybody has similar experience? Or may be has experience with this batteries or protocol?
Hello again. I have some update for this. After many tryouts, I figured out that these batteries respond via RS232 and TOP BMS software. Successfully changed the protocols to Voltronic RS485 and Pylontech CAN. Will test if there will be communication with the inverter.
Worth to mention that Junlee has own RS232 software, and they even have video with it on the YouTube. But they didn't provided it with the batteries, and ignore emails. So their customer service might be rated as "almost absent".
ik heb 2 junlee battery van elk 200 ah , en een deye 3fase 10kw hybride inverter , echter de communicatie met BMS wil niet goed werken , heeft iemand een tip/ oplossing , ik kom er niet uit met de junlee leverancier
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ik heb 2 junlee battery van elk 200 ah , en een deye 3fase 10kw hybride inverter , echter de communicatie met BMS wil niet goed werken , heeft iemand een tip/ oplossing , ik kom er niet uit met de junlee leverancier
Did you get their software with the batteries? called BMS tool v2.m ? Junlee batteries have same BMS as TAICO, ESENER, VOLTA, etc. All of them have videos on Youtube with their software, but it's not possible to find it anywhere. And they are not responding to the request. I connected to mine Junlee batteries via RS232 and TOPBMS 6.1 software. I have now control over the BMS, can change settings, but still can't make it communicate with my inverter.
I found the long and detailed VOLTA battery manual on how to setup the communication between battery and the inverter. see attached file. May be it will help. My junlee batteries have been switched to some internal protocol for RS485 and CAN. I changed it to Voltronic and Pylontech. It didn't help so far. Still, may be it's my mistake with the pinouts for the cable. Apparently it helped with RS232. And strange thing, but after using the WatchPower on the PC I have to reboot it, to use the TOPBMS. otherwise it doesn't see the USB-COM port available.


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Just now have communication with TAICO representative, and they have confirmed that it's same BMS in my batteries, that they use also.
So for Voltronic it's RS485, DARFON protocol, and setting LIB in menu 5, as they wrote.
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Heb je hun software bij de batterijen gekregen? genaamd BMS-tool v2.m? Junlee-batterijen hebben hetzelfde BMS als TAICO, ESENER, VOLTA, enz. Ze hebben allemaal video's op YouTube met hun software, maar het is nergens mogelijk om deze te vinden. En ze reageren niet op het verzoek. Ik heb verbinding gemaakt met mijn Junlee-batterijen via RS232 en TOPBMS 6.1-software. Ik heb nu controle over het GBS, kan instellingen wijzigen, maar kan het nog steeds niet laten communiceren met mijn omvormer.
Ik heb de lange en gedetailleerde VOLTA-batterijhandleiding gevonden over hoe je de communicatie tussen de batterij en de omvormer instelt. zie bijgevoegd document. Misschien helpt het. Mijn juni-batterijen zijn overgeschakeld naar een intern protocol voor RS485 en CAN. Ik heb het veranderd in Voltronic en Pylontech. Het hielp tot nu toe niet. Toch kan het mijn fout zijn met de pin-outs voor de kabel. Blijkbaar hielp het met RS232. En vreemd, maar nadat ik de WatchPower op de pc heb gebruikt, moet ik hem opnieuw opstarten om de TOPBMS te gebruiken. anders ziet het de USB-COM-poort niet beschikbaar.
Just now have communication with TAICO representative, and they have confirmed that it's same BMS in my batteries, that they use also.
So for Voltronic it's RS485, DARFON (Voltronic) protocol, and setting LIB in menu 5, as they wrote.
Some update on this. Inverter now definitely is communicating with the battery. But with Darfon protocol and RS485 and LIB, it shows warning 60 - battery cannot be charged or discharged and switches to grid bypass without using the battery and solar. I tried to disconnect the grid, and inverter simply went off. In case using the Growatt protocol and LIC option in menu section 5, in shows warning 04 - battery low voltage. Battery voltage to return to Grid in this case read as 45V from the BMS, and is not possible to change from the WatchPower in the Inverter settings. Should I try to change battery voltage setting to return to grid to lower (back to utility section in inverter menu) in the BMS settings? Anyone has an advice? Batteries are 15S so may be this is the case, as I saw similar issues with Pylontech batteries, solved with lowering the low DC setting. But that was made in the inverter, that doesn't work in my case.
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Did you get their software with the batteries? called BMS tool v2.m ? Junlee batteries have same BMS as TAICO, ESENER, VOLTA, etc. All of them have videos on Youtube with their software, but it's not possible to find it anywhere. And they are not responding to the request. I connected to mine Junlee batteries via RS232 and TOPBMS 6.1 software. I have now control over the BMS, can change settings, but still can't make it communicate with my inverter.
I found the long and detailed VOLTA battery manual on how to setup the communication between battery and the inverter. see attached file. May be it will help. My junlee batteries have been switched to some internal protocol for RS485 and CAN. I changed it to Voltronic and Pylontech. It didn't help so far. Still, may be it's my mistake with the pinouts for the cable. Apparently it helped with RS232. And strange thing, but after using the WatchPower on the PC I have to reboot it, to use the TOPBMS. otherwise it doesn't see the USB-COM port available.
I have some Junlee Lifepo4's and want to monitor them.
I managed to download TOPBMS 6.1 and successfully connect to the batteries by USB to RS232.
What is the password to change settings?
Any idea?
I have some Junlee Lifepo4's and want to monitor them.
I managed to download TOPBMS 6.1 and successfully connect to the batteries by USB to RS232.
What is the password to change settings?
Any idea?
Many thanks for all the info! I own a Wulills 48v 100Ah system. It contains a Vkingner BMS: vkpg2 8to16s up150a_f0 ver:v1r3
I use the Genixgreen app and BMS tools v2.48 works on the PC via the RS232 USB cable. TopBMS works via a RS484 to USB cable (most left port).
I however have not figured out how to connect the BMS to my JK BMS as a slave. And connect it to either domoticz, home assistant or my Victron Multiplus GX. Anyone managed to figure that out?
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diy solar