We've used mini-splits as our primary heat source for about four years now, in three different properties, but this is the first time I've been able to directly compare units of different sizes from the same manufacturer, in the same building. What I've noticed for our recent build is that the increase in energy use between a smaller unit vs a larger one is not even close to linear, with the larger unit from the same manufacturer using a multiple more energy. For example, our 12K Mitsubishi is truly a marvel in terms of the heat it produces for the KWH it consumes, while the 18K unit, in the same product line, installed in the same week, by the same installers, uses not 50% more energy, but rather a multiple (2x-3x) to maintain the heat in the same building. Is anyone else seeing a dramatic (not linear) difference in energy use between mini-splits, based largely on just the size of the unit? It's so striking I'm thinking of having the installers check the larger unit again, although it does produce great heat. It just uses a LOT more energy than I'd expect, looking at the 12K unit.