The argument is that because we use power after sundown and because the power companies couldn't make money from us when sunup, then they would charge everyone a higher price to make up. It seems they should explain why their rates suddenly doubled and it's not the fault of guys with some solar panels. Also their frequent outage wasn't caused by guys with solar panels either.
Since when is not making money from people become an entitlement to their resources? I don't make money when people don't buy my stuff, then I'm entitled to demanding that they pay more?
Somehow they don't seem to understand that if I send out more power than I get back, someone benefits and it's the power company if they also charge non-solar customers more.
I simply want to use this super electrical highway that I paid for (the base charge just for having a meter, $16/month here) to send power to my friends.
Walmart can use the roads that we pay for and power companies can use that "road", but we can't.
The people arguing for power companies are just ordinary people/conservatives who want to protect non-solar customers. But this is also just protecting the power companies. They like fossil fuel power generation because they hate "green" power.
I thought energy equals the ability to do work, equals economic growth so they don't want us to contribute to the economy. How stupid.
They point to California and NEM3 and the lost of solar jobs as justification. But we all know California is a socialist state and we live in a socialist country. Everyone is subsidized in some way. The poor people without solar panels get special electric rates, and remember cash for clunkers, Obama phones, PPP for Covid, etc?
Why is it when guys with solar panels get involved, subsidy is suddenly bad? Some of us bought our equipment with our own money and install them ourselves, no handouts from the government.