Solar Wizard
I like diesel/ kerosene.. it does many things well in a homesite and is readily available , but it’s a pain in the butt if you move around and try to carry a good bit with ya…stinks to high heaven if you spill even a little inside or in the truck somehow ,I have many similar experiences and have found the cheap deisel heaters became my favorite heat source for small spaces. much dryer and warmer in my opinion
and where I used to live the Eco- Freaks would snoop around sniffing…..and would send out a haz- mat team and excavator to remove all the soil in your yard that has been contaminated…haul it away and send you a huge bill.
If you live near a creek ,…and spill even a little somehow and it shows up in the water … you’re done ….!
when they back track the spill and come get ya ( and they will) , yer toast ..
What I saw them do to several neighbors whose tank leaked a little on the ground cause me to sell my monitor heater and remove the 275 gallon tsnk..
( some places now require sealed containment pits that will capture the entire contents of the tank if it all leaked out).
I don’t follow new laws anymore as I don’t have a need to know ..
Went to a thousand gallon propane tank and a new vented heater… worked great…
Sold the house years later , and because I didn’t have any fuel oil heat I didn’t have to have the enviro tests that they want for fuel spills when they see a kerosene tank sitting out back.
I repeat… I like diesel/kerosene .. just depends on the use…