New Member
Feeling a little overwhelmed, but will get through it.
Had our electrician drop by today to look at our panel. We had a panel upgrade booked for Wednesday, but have since put it on hold....
I bought a Luxpower made "Maple Leafs" system (rebranded 18Kpv) and 2 x 14kWh wall mount batteries to be the heart of my residential solar / peak shaving system.
I did a bunch of research, but did not realize that I will need a service rated disconnect between the meter and the hybrid inverter. That's an extra $1000 that I didnt see coming.
Also, looks like I will need a manual transfer switch as well - just in case the inverter breaks down, so I can get power directly from the grid.
Is there one item that does both?
feeling a bit sad, cause the vendor did not mention these 2 items in any of the quotes they gave me....
I have a 200 amp service to the house.
I screenshotted. the relevant page from the manual, highlighted the items in question in green....
Had our electrician drop by today to look at our panel. We had a panel upgrade booked for Wednesday, but have since put it on hold....
I bought a Luxpower made "Maple Leafs" system (rebranded 18Kpv) and 2 x 14kWh wall mount batteries to be the heart of my residential solar / peak shaving system.
I did a bunch of research, but did not realize that I will need a service rated disconnect between the meter and the hybrid inverter. That's an extra $1000 that I didnt see coming.
Also, looks like I will need a manual transfer switch as well - just in case the inverter breaks down, so I can get power directly from the grid.
Is there one item that does both?
feeling a bit sad, cause the vendor did not mention these 2 items in any of the quotes they gave me....
I have a 200 amp service to the house.
I screenshotted. the relevant page from the manual, highlighted the items in question in green....