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diy solar

Luyuan battery case

Wow nice so which cells did you get from Luyuan? I'm just starting to learn about sourcing cells and I've read such differing opinions on getting cells from Alibaba but it would be very convenient to buy cells and boxes in one purchase and hopefully have them show up around the same time. My goal is two make two 280/300ah batteries.
The LF280K from https://szluyuan.en.alibaba.com. You always need to "Contact Supplier" or "Chat now" to get the correct pricing.
Wow nice so which cells did you get from Luyuan? I'm just starting to learn about sourcing cells and I've read such differing opinions on getting cells from Alibaba but it would be very convenient to buy cells and boxes in one purchase and hopefully have them show up around the same time. My goal is two make two 280/300ah batteries.
Luyuan Tech has been used by a large amount of members here and only a few minor issues have arisen which were dealt with promptly. The Company is a Known Good Vendor/Supplier. The "Guesstimates" on the web pages is generic and not that accurate. You do need to open a Chat/messenger session to get proper quotes with shipping etc. Be clear, concise and don;t use slang, even though they can read English they also use Translation software and that trips on slang & colloquialisms.

Note that Luyuan is one of the FEW Vendors that sells properly Matched & Batched cells unlike other vendors who only test cell IR (Internal Resistance) at resting storage voltage. Luyuan has EVE cycle, test & batch the cells together and they verify that when they get the shipments. The Matched & Batched cells cost a tiny bit more but makes for well behaving battery packs and eliminates hair pulling and "blue air".

Regardless of cell grade or type, Good Practice as well as Manufacturer recommendations (directions) cells should be Top Charged after manufacture or after 6 months of static storage to ensure the Electrolytes are fully active and circulated within the cells. Failure to do so can & will result in various possible issues, including cell imbalances and in worst cases "gas pockets" within the cells that impede capability.

Last Point to consider - Most Importantly.
It is YOUR MONEY/Investment ! Therefore it is your Risk, Liability & Responsibility. Taking Shortcuts and having dubious outcomes is a Choice one can make but the consequences are on the person making the choice. Like all things, things that are worthwhile take time. Far too many times we have seen people take "Shortcuts" or cheap out on a few pennies for what they perceive as a deal only to see them cause themselves a LOT of headaches.

Good Luck, Hope it helps.
Fwiw, I got 16 cells from Amy Wan at Shenzhen luyaun several years ago, and I could not be happier. She did not sell these cases then, and I built mine into a roadie crate with wheels. Back then she was just starting out and only sold cells and BMSs. I wrote up a detailed description of the purchase process. I've been considering one of these cases, though. Read my review of the purchase process here if you're interested. https://diysolarforum.com/threads/r...yuan-technology-co-ltd-alibaba-wan-amy.31796/
I got a quote for building two 280ah boxes from Luyuan and its the same exact price as buying them from Docan US stock. I know this is the Luyuan thread so maybe a bit biased but could anyone recommend which avenue I should take? Any benefits to either besides the obvious benefit of getting something from Texas as opposed to China? Both would be Grade A EVE cells, both are the stackable metal boxes although Docan does also sell the standing apexium box for $50 more that looks like a nice form factor for my application but I've read people are leery of stacking cells on their sides on top of each other. Are vertical boxes best avoided for that reason?
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The Docan boxes look structurally very close to same design as the Luyuan except the Docan ones are also stackable. These are things that come to mind regarding them:
- Video shows solid busbars, Luyuan uses flexible, not sure this is really an issue or not.
- Can't use normal lug on Docan box to connect battery but then the connector is completely finger safe whereas there is still live metal exposed on the Luyuan box connectors
- The PCB to connect the BMS leads are huge time saver but there has been issues at least with other manufactures that use them that the screw s you used to fasten the PCB board down would short to the box because of poor PCB layout. I can't tell but this may not be an issue with the Docan one since it does look different then the others I've seen in videos.
- I don't see any way to disconnect the battery or any over current protection? Maybe I'm missing this but there doesn't look like there is way to electrically isolate the battery? Luyuan boxes come at least with a breaker that I don't trust for over current protection but can be used to disconnect the battery.
- Docan also insulated the bars going across the top of the cells whereas Luyuan does not.
I got a quote for building two 280ah boxes from Luyuan and its the same exact price as buying them from Docan US stock. I know this is the Luyuan thread so maybe a bit biased but could anyone recommend which avenue I should take? Any benefits to either besides the obvious benefit of getting something from Texas as opposed to China? Both would be Grade A EVE cells, both are the stackable metal boxes although Docan does also sell the standing apexium box for $50 more that looks like a nice form factor for my application but I've read people are leery of stacking cells on their sides on top of each other. Are vertical boxes best avoided for that reason?
Luyuan is primarily a quality A++ cell reseller first that offers a case that’s customizable. Luyuan doesn’t actually make cases, they just deal with the vendor who makes them. I went with them as I was able to get the BMS I wanted and the terminals I wanted.

Docan has had spotty history of their cells, I believe their cases are same ones you can order from anywhere else.

I’d trust Luyuan cells over docan.

Only down side is the lead time of Luyuan.
When I first got started I wanted to buy everything via the states and went with a group buy that went bad.

Amy makes everything so easy. She is so laid back with no pressure. She knows her products and if needed is willing to ask questions of her suppliers.

She provides excellent service and has answered any questions I have down the line.
I prefer bolt on cables instead of the degson or whatever the heck they're called on the other cases.
I did purchase my 304ah EVE cells from Docan a couple of years ago. I tested all of them and they all exceeded capacity. Life got busy and I only built two 12 volt batteries and the rest of the cells have been sitting. My purchase is so long ago that it can't be used as a gauge of their current offerings. However, I had no issue with packaging or damaged items, and delivery was timely.

When I finally got back to this project, I looked at Docan's battery boxes compared to Luyuan's, and went with Luyuan because I wanted to get a JK BMS and liked the breaker on the front of the box. I also like having lugs that I can tighten rather than the other connectors, but I haven't heard of complaints on them either. It's just my personal comfort level. I think the flexible bus bars are a good idea if there are no compressible inserts beween the cells. The cells do expand and contract as they are charged and dischaged, by about 0.5mm if I recall correctly. I see this as putting stress on the terminals if the cells are packed tightly together and connected with solid bus bars, however, I know batteries are built this way all the time also.

So I have no complaints about Docan. This is my first Luyuan purchase, so when the products are delivered, I'll post how the transaction went.
I got a quote for building two 280ah boxes from Luyuan and its the same exact price as buying them from Docan US stock. I know this is the Luyuan thread so maybe a bit biased but could anyone recommend which avenue I should take? Any benefits to either besides the obvious benefit of getting something from Texas as opposed to China? Both would be Grade A EVE cells, both are the stackable metal boxes although Docan does also sell the standing apexium box for $50 more that looks like a nice form factor for my application but I've read people are leery of stacking cells on their sides on top of each other. Are vertical boxes best avoided for that reason?
I can't speak for Docan, but in my experience Amy at Luyuan continously gives some of the best customer service ever. Including compared to any US company. Just be sure to use the chat to get that customer service and the correct shipping.
Thanks everyone that was very helpful! Which BMS would people reccomend with the Luyuan box if my plans are to run two of them in parallel? I would like the option of running them in closed loop with a pair of EG4 3000 inverters but its been hard for me to confirm if any of them will do that. The BMS options Amy offered were JK, Seplos, Daly and JBD but she said JBD won't support running the boxes in parallel which surprised me.
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JBD in parallel is fine, but you won't have any communication between the batteries. At least that's how it worked on my JBD BMS from 2020. They may now have updated hardware that supports that.

I have a JK BMS that can communicate with an inverter, but I do not have the communication cable installed. Works fine.
I did purchase my 304ah EVE cells from Docan a couple of years ago. I tested all of them and they all exceeded capacity. Life got busy and I only built two 12 volt batteries and the rest of the cells have been sitting. My purchase is so long ago that it can't be used as a gauge of their current offerings. However, I had no issue with packaging or damaged items, and delivery was timely.

When I finally got back to this project, I looked at Docan's battery boxes compared to Luyuan's, and went with Luyuan because I wanted to get a JK BMS and liked the breaker on the front of the box. I also like having lugs that I can tighten rather than the other connectors, but I haven't heard of complaints on them either. It's just my personal comfort level. I think the flexible bus bars are a good idea if there are no compressible inserts beween the cells. The cells do expand and contract as they are charged and dischaged, by about 0.5mm if I recall correctly. I see this as putting stress on the terminals if the cells are packed tightly together and connected with solid bus bars, however, I know batteries are built this way all the time also.

So I have no complaints about Docan. This is my first Luyuan purchase, so when the products are delivered, I'll post how the transaction went.
Pretty much my same situation, snagged 8 230ah cells in 2022 from Docan. Have absolutely nothing negative to say about the order or cell quality. Ran them in a 2p4s config for 2 years. This year I converted to 8s with a JK.

This year wanted to add another bank and for a little bit more and longer lead time than Docan, I went with Luyuan 280 8s case. If I were to add another battery I’d go with another Luyuan.
I got a quote for building two 280ah boxes from Luyuan and its the same exact price as buying them from Docan US stock. I know this is the Luyuan thread so maybe a bit biased but could anyone recommend which avenue I should take? Any benefits to either besides the obvious benefit of getting something from Texas as opposed to China? Both would be Grade A EVE cells, both are the stackable metal boxes although Docan does also sell the standing apexium box for $50 more that looks like a nice form factor for my application but I've read people are leery of stacking cells on their sides on top of each other. Are vertical boxes best avoided for that reason?
I purchased from Shenzhen luyaun, and not Docan US but I've heard that matching and batching is not the same from Docan. My cells included test reports from the EVE factory, and that batching was done based on these tests. Side note: I ordered my cells about two weeks before Docan US warehouse opened:/ and it's literally 30 miles from my home, so I'd almost certainly have purchased there had it been an option at the time. Waiting 70 days, during the pandemic, when the cargo trains were being looted out of LA was a bit nerve wracking. However, if I had to do it again today, and if time was not an issue, I'd probably stick with Shenzhen luyaun. Fwiw, tests included 3 separate tests per cell with capacity and internal resistance tests. I used these results to make my own 12v packs. I made my packs based on IR results. I have a 14.5 kwh 4s4p 12v bank, and it works quite well, except that I recently had an issue that seems to have been a result of a bad(dirty) buss connection. Apparently, user error. My bank has been assembled and in full time use for around 30 months.
I purchased from Shenzhen luyaun, and not Docan US but I've heard that matching and batching is not the same from Docan. My cells included test reports from the EVE factory, and that batching was done based on these tests. Side note: I ordered my cells about two weeks before Docan US warehouse opened:/ and it's literally 30 miles from my home, so I'd almost certainly have purchased there had it been an option at the time. Waiting 70 days, during the pandemic, when the cargo trains were being looted out of LA was a bit nerve wracking. However, if I had to do it again today, and if time was not an issue, I'd probably stick with Shenzhen luyaun. Fwiw, tests included 3 separate tests per cell with capacity and internal resistance tests. I used these results to make my own 12v packs. I made my packs based on IR results. I have a 14.5 kwh 4s4p 12v bank, and it works quite well, except that I recently had an issue that seems to have been a result of a bad(dirty) buss connection. Apparently, user error. My bank has been assembled and in full time use for around 30 months.
$8 bucks per cell discount if you pickup locally with Docan (think it used to be $12).
$8 bucks per cell discount if you pickup locally with Docan (think it used to be $12).
Believe me, I wish I had an excuse to buy more cells from Docan, just so that I could report back. I considered buying 4 cells just for the heck of it. I live among a large group of solar users, and I could probably resell a built pack, but I also live in a yurt and travel full time, so I can't just be hauling around an extra 80lbs of Battery for no reason:/ buuuut I suppoooooose I could build that system for my van that I always wanted:p
Another project gives you an excuse, ahem “reason“ to get that additional tool you always wanted; ahem “needed”.
Replacement cells from Amy arrived today.. this time via UPS instead of FedEx who lost them to begin with. Waiting for them to warm up a bit since they were sitting out in 5°F air temp for a bit.
Replacement cells from Amy arrived today.. this time via UPS instead of FedEx who lost them to begin with. Waiting for them to warm up a bit since they were sitting out in 5°F air temp for a bit.
I'd let them warm up overnight. Their core temps prob lag surface by a fair bit.
Currently chatting with Amy. Looks like I can squeeze one more battery case into the build. Made sure I got approval from the wife beforehand. She has been great with the whole process.
Unfortunately, The Tariff OGRE is having increasing Tantrums against China and BRICS overall, ramping his threats etc...
Hope for the Best but really expect the worst so you don't get disappointed or let down. These are supposedly going start to be dropped beginning tomorrow, Saturday February 01.

Gotta wonder what Trix will be dropped on everyone on "April 1st".
Unfortunately, The Tariff OGRE is having increasing Tantrums against China and BRICS overall, ramping his threats etc...
Hope for the Best but really expect the worst so you don't get disappointed or let down. These are supposedly going start to be dropped beginning tomorrow, Saturday February 01.

Gotta wonder what Trix will be dropped on everyone on "April 1st".
That is the reason I went from four box kits to twelve along with extra BMS, screens and breakers. I don’t have everything assembled it will take me some time this year.

diy solar

diy solar