I purchased from Shenzhen luyaun, and not Docan US but I've heard that matching and batching is not the same from Docan. My cells included test reports from the EVE factory, and that batching was done based on these tests. Side note: I ordered my cells about two weeks before Docan US warehouse opened:/ and it's literally 30 miles from my home, so I'd almost certainly have purchased there had it been an option at the time. Waiting 70 days, during the pandemic, when the cargo trains were being looted out of LA was a bit nerve wracking. However, if I had to do it again today, and if time was not an issue, I'd probably stick with Shenzhen luyaun. Fwiw, tests included 3 separate tests per cell with capacity and internal resistance tests. I used these results to make my own 12v packs. I made my packs based on IR results. I have a 14.5 kwh 4s4p 12v bank, and it works quite well, except that I recently had an issue that seems to have been a result of a bad(dirty) buss connection. Apparently, user error. My bank has been assembled and in full time use for around 30 months.