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diy solar

diy solar

Lv6548 voltage problems


New Member
Nov 6, 2024
I'm having some real issues with these mpp inverters. I've had 2 running split phase for almost 2 years now. They've worked really well the whole time. Several weeks ago I began connecting a third inverter that would essentially be a charge controller at the moment.
I had just connected the battery cables and ground when things started... The original inverters started throwing f08 and f80 codes. ( High bus voltage and communication error). I've been trying different things for a while. Upgraded firmware checking everything I can think of. The supplier hasn't been much help either.

It seems that whenever we get strong PV input the inverters shut down and give me one of these codes. I just realized this weekend that the one inverter reads about 1.3v higher for battery voltage than the other two and my multimeter.

To me this explains why the won't work together. They both seem to operate fine in single phase mode.

I looked into voltage calibration as suggested by watts 247 but I don't have the equipment to even try. I'm also concerned that there's something more going on since it happened at the exact time I was adding to the system.
Is your 3rd lv6548 connected to the others with the com cable?
No. The new one is a maple leaf 6500ex. It's apparently the same as the lv6548s but with a 500v PV input capacity. So they can't communicate. I had it set up as just a charge controller for now. The mpp inverters are also operating without battery communication as suggested by the manufacturer (SOK 48 v 100Ah)
What happens when you lower bulk to 55.2V and float to 54V?

Have you confirmed that he 1.3V difference is present at all times, like right after the sun goes down?

Since #3 is NEVER pulling from the batteries, it's always charging, so it's likely to read higher than the others. Have you confirmed all connections are properly torqued and of high quality? (link #2 in my signature).
No. The new one is a maple leaf 6500ex. It's apparently the same as the lv6548s but with a 500v PV input capacity. So they can't communicate. I had it set up as just a charge controller for now. The mpp inverters are also operating without battery communication as suggested by the manufacturer (SOK 48 v 100Ah)
Well that behavior is odd , I have 2 lv6548s (250v pv input max versions) in split phase with 1 of my spares working as a charge controller only without any issues , before that I was using 1 of my victron 150/45 scc in addition to the lv6548s again without any issues.

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diy solar