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diy solar

diy solar

Managing 4S 48volt batteries from individual 12v for EG4 3000


New Member
Jul 15, 2023
We can buy server rack 48v batteries with communication. We can also buy 12v batteries and hook 4 together in series and go without communications. I am tempted to buy 4 of the 12v 100ah minis (LiTime/PowerQueen/Redodo) and hook them together to make a very compact battery bank for my EG4 3000. The batteries would be mounted to the backside of the 3000 in a custom box and the entire system would be very compact. Think solar battery cart but very small and very compact.

Is this a fools errand? How big a deal is the battery management required to keep a 4S system healthy?
There are devices that would help manage this.
It is not advisable to do this. In nearly every case you will need to rebalance every battery. If you like tinkering maybe it's for you but it's more trouble than it's worth.
The weight of a 48v server rack battery is over 100lb. Using 4 12v minis we are less than 80 lb.
So far there is no drift and no balancer installed yet. I will see how it behaves over time.

diy solar

diy solar