Hi Zoomyn,
I'm charmed to meet a fellow Fieldlines fan. I don't recall you being active on Fieldlines in the past few years, but years ago you were always "one of the Dan's to me". Only denizens of FL would get that reference.
I also haven't heard from Ghurd for a very long time. If you want to try searching, his full name is Glen Hurd but I don't think you'll find him on FB or any social medial like that. We did some fun projects together (and they really worked!). I miss him.
Ghurd's controller was a simple and useful diversion controller that anyone can build with rudimentary electronics and soldering skills. I've spent some time tonight searching for a copy of his diversion controller schematic but I don't have a copy for some reason. Sad how you take for granted you can find things later, but the internet always changes and it seems to be gone.
Here's a YT video done by SolarDrew (12 years ago) with a Ghurd controller in it.
The other part of Drew's project is the auxiliary diversion load controller. Ghurd and I developed that together. It allows you to control a second diversion load (isolated through a relay) with your primary diversion controller. The sensor in the auxiliary diversion controller only steals a few mA from the dozens of amps going through the standard diversion's resistor. This device allows you to have 2 diversion loads that operate successively. I built and used one, which worked well. I still have the Aux Diversion control schematics, but for some reason I can't find a Ghurd controller among the files.
I know of a site that copied Ghurd's controller and sold kits without giving Glen any credit or money. I'm reluctant to share the link, because I don't want to give the thief the credit instead of Ghurd. So if you absolutely need the circuit, I can tell you privately, but I'll need to know a really good reason. And I won't post the link here.
I'm charmed to meet a fellow Fieldlines fan. I don't recall you being active on Fieldlines in the past few years, but years ago you were always "one of the Dan's to me". Only denizens of FL would get that reference.
I also haven't heard from Ghurd for a very long time. If you want to try searching, his full name is Glen Hurd but I don't think you'll find him on FB or any social medial like that. We did some fun projects together (and they really worked!). I miss him.
Ghurd's controller was a simple and useful diversion controller that anyone can build with rudimentary electronics and soldering skills. I've spent some time tonight searching for a copy of his diversion controller schematic but I don't have a copy for some reason. Sad how you take for granted you can find things later, but the internet always changes and it seems to be gone.
Here's a YT video done by SolarDrew (12 years ago) with a Ghurd controller in it.
I know of a site that copied Ghurd's controller and sold kits without giving Glen any credit or money. I'm reluctant to share the link, because I don't want to give the thief the credit instead of Ghurd. So if you absolutely need the circuit, I can tell you privately, but I'll need to know a really good reason. And I won't post the link here.