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diy solar

diy solar

New Deye 30kw HP inverter


New Member
Jan 3, 2025
Hello everyone, I am starting my first post about my second inverter. I just replaced my Huawei 10kw inverter with a new Deye 30kw high voltage inverter and I cannot seem to get the BMS to connect properly. I receive the following errors:
Tried 3 different patch cables, including the original ones, no difference, I am running out of ideas how solve it.

The battery system is a BOS-G HV from Deye, with 3 batteries and 4 more coming next week.
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Inverter is taking 160-800 V. BMS is outputting 157.2 V (50% SOC from factory tests probably), but i cannot get it to charge due to the communication fault.
Check with Deye but sounds like you need to put the batteries in series instead of parallel to boost V into inverters range.
Inverter is taking 160-800 V. BMS is outputting 157.2 V (50% SOC from factory tests probably), but i cannot get it to charge due to the communication fault.
I think the error is saying the 157.2V is presumably less than the 160V minimum. I would wait until you receive the other battery modules in series and the voltage is within spec. Plus much easier to series when all are at same voltage, versus 3 modules fully charged and four at shipping voltage.
You were correct @Brucey .
BMS communication seems to be solved now with 7 batteries installed. Strange behavior....i was expecting DEYE to be more advanced :)
Now I am having a new issue: w04 meter communication issue with the CHNT DTSU666. the meter worked perfectly with the Huawei inverter for the past 3 years.. I was looking on the forum but no obvious solutions are available, maybe the configuration of the CHNT meter is wrong? Connection is secure, cable is OK also. Changed also the RJ45 connector and doubled up the wires just to be safe and used all pins like the manual suggests (pin 1+2 and 4+5, tried separately also, no difference however).

WhatsApp Image 2025-02-04 at 08.31.52_9e7cad88.jpgWhatsApp Image 2025-02-04 at 08.32.18_8caed638.jpgWhatsApp Image 2025-02-04 at 08.35.27_3f5a2c3f.jpg1738651164601.png1000094419.jpg
Could be, from other topics on the forum, youtube videos and from how they sell these smart meters it seems each brand; Huawey, Deye, Growat, etc. decided to make the own little variation with the smart meter suppliers and they are not compatible between them.
I decided to order the same CHNT meter "special for DEYE". Hopefully it will work...

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