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diy solar

diy solar

New EEL vertical ... 5280Ah IN batteries - OUTSTANDING

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Are the cells loose in the box or does the metal endplate compress them slightly
Putting together (49) of these this weekend -- right at 5280Ah per battery. Takes one person right at 1hr 15 minutes to go from unpacking-loading-testing.
Decimal point mistake maybe? 16s LFP with 5280Ah would be 270kWh per unit... 27kWh per unit maybe? Even then every cell needs to be 528Ah and frankly they don't look that big. 314Ah maybe (16kWh/unit)?

Even with "only" 16kWh per battery that's almost 0,8MWh storage.:cool:
Decimal point mistake maybe? 16s LFP with 5280Ah would be 270kWh per unit... 27kWh per unit maybe? Even then every cell needs to be 528Ah and frankly they don't look that big. 314Ah maybe (16kWh/unit)?

Even with "only" 16kWh per battery that's almost 0.8MWh storage.:cool:

Pointed that out in post #6.
That’s because the bottom cell is about 1/4” narrower than the top cell due to 7 brothers pig piling on it.
Many oems are stacking the cells like that, but it still makes me wonder what all that weight stacked on top of the bottom cells might do after several years of expanding/contracting with the soc.
It's not a decimal point mistake, OP just doesn't understand batteries/ohms law.

They have 16 x 330Ah batteries and they think that means it's 5,280Ah total (16 * 330 = 5280), when it's still 280Ah it's just 52V not 3.2V.
OP is EE, so she/he should know this.

In any case something is wrong there, but then we all make mistakes. Well, at least me. Frequently.
I’m afraid to ask, do you have dozens of small clients, one giant client, or do you just want to run your house for a month or two without any solar power?
OP is EE, so she/he should know this.
I mean, are they though? Everything about their posts is sus. Why do they keep spamming the same thread over and over (there is this thread, posted Saturday, this which was posted on Friday, and this which was posted end of December. Are they just desperate for attention, or full of shit? It's honestly hard to say. Why in the December thread did they say they are using CATL cell and in the other two threads they say they are EVE? Everything about OP's posts set off alarm bells, don't believe every rando on the internet.
IIRC Ghostwriter does power for drilling and other field industry sites that need power on a "temporary" basis where there's no grid. She's been around a while.
I see no evidence in their posts that they have anything greater than a grade 12 education. Posts are riddled with small errors that anyone building batteries commercially should never make. Are they even female? I doubt it.


With how little they seem to know about batteries, if they work in oil drilling they are most likely a roughneck that wandered into the battery shed and took some pictures :D Just my opinion, I have seen many of OP's threads over the years and every time I see them they set off my bullshit detector.
OP is EE, so she/he should know this.

In any case something is wrong there, but then we all make mistakes. Well, at least me. Frequently.

Based on this thread dated 12/30/2024 he does not work for EE but is "building out approx (60) remote communication system shelters" using EE parts

And no I don't have anything connected with ghostwriter66 or EE :)

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diy solar

diy solar