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diy solar

diy solar

New fella starting solar build


New Member
Jan 5, 2025
A few year ago we built a new house in NE Saskatchewan( 52.5°N)from the ground up with all lumber logged and milled ourselves. As I've been cash poor and labour/resource rich it's been a slow process. We have grid power temporary service but really don't want to be on grid at all. It's costly and temperamental at best, as I live in the forest and outages are common.
The plan is to build the solar system in 3 stages starting with 16kw solar, 2-6000xps and 200-400 ah 48v lifepo4.
I have a south facing roof 40' long free from obstructions and the utilities building is heated and shares space with water storage and heating equipment. I plan to build panel racking from strut. I already own a substantial set of tools and will acquire( within reason) any other tools I require.
Any "knowledge" I have about solar energy production is the result of my own research so any useful help/advice would be much appreciated. I'm planning to begin purchases in February so to begin work in April.
Thanks in advance!
I appreciate that through search this forum I am able to find answers to most questions I have.
One thing I'm struggling with is which batteries to use. It seems that in Canada my choices are much more limited than the US or EU. It's seems that ecoworthy 12.8v280ah are the best value at $.20CA/w. Is anyone able to point me in a different direction?
Get a balancervif you're going to string 12v batteries together. Even adding in that cost (usually in the $50 range for a 48v string) it's still often cheaper than a dedicated 48v battery..

Or DIY your own batteries and you can get that $/watt even lower.
Get a balancervif you're going to string 12v batteries together. Even adding in that cost (usually in the $50 range for a 48v string) it's still often cheaper than a dedicated 48v battery..

Or DIY your own batteries and you can get that $/watt even lower.
Thanks, I'll check out a balancer. I looked at diy kits but haven't found any that don't have to get shipped from China and I'm a little leary about that process, I can't afford to make a mistake.

diy solar

diy solar