Solar Enthusiast
Why would you isolate the grounds? Seems to me that grounds can be connected without any issue and there's no prohibition on multiple ground paths. I also think it is weird to have any ground wires left floating, it will freak out future persons looking at your setup.
What is the behavior when the battery reaches 100% SoC?
On the 10K version I have in service, it constantly charges a bit, then discharges, then charges, etc, switching in 10s of seconds between them. This is not particularly healthy for the battery to be constantly top charge.
I noticed this first by observing the battery data on the inverter (touch the battery on the main screen) and looking at the battery current readout. I confirmed it by clamp meter.
How I think it should work is to reach 100% SoC, then stop charging or discharging until SoC falls to, say, 98% or something, and then do a top charge again. Top charging would happen only every month or so, maybe less, not 100 times per hour. This lets+ the batter relax away from the top end charge high voltage. The battery degrades fastest at high voltage and high temperature, so avoiding that end of the operating envelope is good.
It would also work to have the inverter stop charge at, say, 99% or something and simply avoid going all the way to 100% SoC. I kind of did that artificially by setting up a Solar Assistant automation that changed battery charge current to 1 amp (lowest it would allow me to set) when it reaches 97% SoC. My batteries have been holding at 98% SoC for a week now, which feels good. My SA automation which also includes a softer charge if we get really low SoC:
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Downside to this strategy is that if SA ever goes offline, it could leave the inverter configured to 1 amp charging and thus you wouldn't recharge the battery if it goes down during use. You can always manually reset the charge power, of course, and SA is pretty reliable.
The other annoyance I had was I could not configure the unit to only charge battery on PV and not grid in battery priority mode. There are settings to disable grid charging and select PV charging only, but those don't work except in some more exotic modes. Something to be aware of.
Mike C.
Mike C. - Sorry, been slow going due to pneumonia... and still having to go full days into work. Time and my energy levels have been short. Thank you for your feedback!
I isolated my Neutral & Ground as a precaution. The system is wired as it is intended to be by Megarevo. I was wanting to have a semiautomated switching system for easy conversion from critical loads panel back to a normal sub panel. After discussing wit Ian @ Watts247 I just went ahead and manually bypassed it as a precaution. I do not want to mess up the inverter due to a wiring issue. Manually converting it back is a 10 minute job "if" I even need to do it, so no biggie.
I have setup my inverter to work in TOU mode, with the guidance and help from Adam De Lay. We have a rate plan that offers free electricity after 9pm until 7am. We use this rate plan to charge both out EV's overnight, plus in summer time the AC is constantly running all night here in the Houston Texas region. Since we have that rate plan I have adjusted the inverter to charge the battery between 9pm and 7 am... then use the battery from 7am until 9pm with solar taking over the middle of the day. I just did this TOU adjustment last night... so I am waiting to see how it works. I am hindered monitoring wise by the Solarman app as I watch it from work. I do plan on getting Solar Assistant down the road. I am new to all of this so "I am learning on the fly" and trying to find the best settings for my needs. I am only knowledgeable enough to be dangerous right now. I hope to learn a few things in the coming weeks and see what further adjustments can be done and what other capabilities the inverter has that may better suit our needs.
I agree, I do not want the battery throttling in its charging/usage management. My ideal scenario is to charge the battery/batteries up to 100% then let them ride down to 10%, offsetting energy purchasing from the POCO... then recharge either by solar production, or in my case overnight "free electricity" taking advantage of our current rate plan.
To All- I cannot stress enough how this forum and it's many members have played a huge role in everything that I have done. From choosing equipment, prep work, installation, programming, all of it. Thank you all for being such a great community of enthusiasts in the home energy independence world!
Happy New Year everyone!
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