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diy solar

diy solar

New to the forum


New Member
Dec 14, 2024
Hi everyone I'm LG and new to the forum. I'm currently learning more about Solar to be prepared for what is coming.

I just recently decided to get back into Solar a bit and purchased a Bluettti Elite 200 V2. I like it. But my goal is to eventually go off grid.

I hope to get to know many of you.
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Welcome to the forum! Dont sell any guitars!! I got seven and they are as good as children! All are purposeful! :)

What is coming?
I love guitars but vanity is vanity and I need to get rid of much of it because most of mine are vanity. I don't make money as a musician so I need to eventually move them. Not currently selling them but will in the not too distant future.
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I love guitars but vanity is vanity and I need to get rid of much of it because most of mine are vanity. I don't make money as a musician so I need to eventually move them. Not currently selling them but will in the not too distant future.

As for what is coming is the return of Christ. While I know when that is, I can't say here because I don't control the content.
That red heifer ? I dont think genetic manipulation is the same
LOL, no I don't go by any of those modern state Israel ties. I'm a numbers kinda guy. I look at Jubilees. For starters, I view Genesis 6:3 as in correlation to Jubilee years. Meaning that is stating that man's dominion is only 120 Jubilees. This means we can cant them down IF we know they were and can reference what number was at what year. I have done that part. Therefore, I know when it will happen. BUT unlike many it wont happen as they say in the 120th because God gave 120 to man's dominion so HE can't then turn around and take the 120 but I believe it will be in the 121st one. When you investigate the numbers it blows your mind as to what you find correlating to those events. Sorry I could go on forever talking about that subject since it is my best expertise.
2044-2047? Good ole' micronova and catastrophic crustal displacement is on the menu.
I cleaned up some stuff as it was mostly not related to the site.
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diy solar

diy solar