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diy solar

diy solar

Possible fraud at (some) AliExpress stores?


New Member
Dec 14, 2021
A online store at Aliexpress;
I do beleive they did commit a fraud against me... and possible many others.

I am writing this soo others could learn from my mistakes.
..... if it seems too cheap to be true..... it is probably not true...
Dont buy it !!!

I ordered a batch of 4x 320Ah LiFePo4 3,2 volt cells
The price was pretty good, taxfree, and free shipping.
The customs in my country dont dick around.... Already on that "taxfree" I should have moved on.
In fact the price was maybe too good to be real...
But.. cheap cells.. are like cheap flights... it makes you close your eyes for the smoke.

I did check the review section for the product.
There was no customers review at all.... none.. zero... nada
New product? Must be
My internal bell was probably ringing.. but again... it was a pretty sweet deal

After some messages the seller provided a tracking number.....
and after some searching I found a app that picked up info about the cells travel to my country.
Every now and then new info came.... suddenly the shipment was in my country.. and cleared by customs.. and on its way.
Pretty fast... probably too fast... but still.. a sweet deal.

Then it was silent for weeks.. a month
No new movement... no tracking info.. no nothing

Been waiting now for more than 75 days.
My Aliexpress "Byers Protection" is running out.
Why not ask seller? So I did.
The seller could provide a screenshot from a tracking "engine"
And suddenly the cells had been delivered to my mailbox 6-7 weeks ago.
The app I had been using now suddenly also showed delivery 6-7 weeks ago also
Even though I had been watching the app every day since I first found it.

At this point I did what I should have done in the first place;
I did read the feedback section for the store (at Aliexpress)
Not only the product review section.. but the store feedback section.
Every day new complaints do appear about the store.
Every day customers got burned and lost their money.

I have now claimed my money back from Aliexpress.
I guess this will take some time.
While I am waiting... every day new cases show up in the store feedback section.
Increasing numbers of customers getting ripped off... every day.

Why does Aliexpress leave them stores open?
Aliexpress must know this is a fishy store.
Aliexpress must know that they are letting them criminals take customers money big time.
Why dont they shut them down?

And the store that ripped me off?

Store stats should give a clue;
8,5% of customers was positive
That leave a whopping 91,5 % unhappy customers.
And this is for the last month only.

At the moment I am kind of pissed;
But I do believe Aliexpress with their "Byers Protection" will judge in my favor and give me my money back.
And if not... I got hopes for PayPal... and in the end for my credit card issuer. One step at the time.....

To be honest; This is also dragging Aliexpress down
If we customers cant trust the online stores at Aliexpress... the website will go down the drain also.

I have been travelling a little bit more than the average Joe.
Over the years I have visited more than 130 countries around the globe... several times
Yes I have been ripped off in some of them... several times...
but then its on another level.. had a beer but charged for two...
But still; most of them countries and their inhabitants do have some kind of moral.

In my experience there is one country that stick out more than other.
I am not mentioning any name...... you can probably figure that one out

A funny story;
A friend of mine bought a pair of new shoes from a street vendor.
New shoes on his feet, and the old ones in the trash.
He was a pretty good looking dude when he walked down the streets of Shanghai in the early 80´
He was funny as hell when it started to pour down.
The rain dissolved his new shoes... that probably was made of paper...
Funny as hell seing them shoes clinging high up on his legs.
Now.. 40 years later... them cheap shoes still make me laugh.

Back to the store that ripped me off; stay clear;
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Pretty common. If your unlucky ali denies claim, because tracking says delivered

Seller says please contact postal office.

If you are lucky aliexpress allows your claim, since this scam has become pretty common. But provide sufficient proof, like tracking, date, weight and so on which is impossible to be true.

Next time, do some research. Aliexpress has been a major red flags for over a year now, considering cells.
Plenty of reports on the forum and elsewere..

Buy cells at known reliable suppliers. If you go for the cheapest unknown new sellers which provide 7 days shipping from china you’re begging to be scammed
Pretty common. If your unlucky ali denies claim, because tracking says delivered

Seller says please contact postal office.

If you are lucky aliexpress allows your claim, since this scam has become pretty common. But provide sufficient proof, like tracking, date, weight and so on which is impossible to be true.

Next time, do some research. Aliexpress has been a major red flags for over a year now, considering cells.
Plenty of reports on the forum and elsewere..

Buy cells at known reliable suppliers. If you go for the cheapest unknown new sellers which provide 7 days shipping from china you’re begging to be scammed

I have been buying all kind of stuff from Aliexpress website… for years…
Never had any issues.

Just a few days ago I did receive a pretty sweet 12VDC/230VAC 3000 watt inverter.
The deal went smooth as always.

But of course…
one time is one time too many

Its hard to understand why the Aliexpress leave them scammers continue their fishy buisness. Fraud like this will affect the people behind Aliexpress… and their bank account
Game Theory says if you’re going to meet a person repeatedly, be fair.
But if you’re going to meet them only once, take them for all they are worth.

I guess they figured you are a one-time customer who is unlikely to sue.

"did commit a fraud against me... and many others."
To protect yourself against defamation, say instead
I believe they "did commit a fraud against me... and many others."
Got a deal on a shirt at French flea market. After washing, the collar and cuffs were all warped - they had Cardboard in them! ?
Label probably said 'Dry clean only' in French
And since I now in the marked for a set of new 280Ah cells; where should I get them?

Check out some of the vendors people have experience with. Personally, I would go either with Shenzhen Luyuan or Docan Power. Both of those have representatives that are active on this site, and you can review comments others have made purchasing from them. Getting the ells through Alibaba after having a chat with the vendors in question for a personalized quote is the way to go - make sure you specify DDP shipping terms, and you can sometimes get a small discount for mentioning that you found them through this forum.
I was looking for LiFePo4 cells around Aliexpress and this is how I ended up in this forum. The section with recommended suppliers is what took my attention initially. I went through a recommended store in Alibaba at the end and the price was lower than the one I was seeing on Aliexpress.

Regarding the feedback on Aliexpress - always check seller rating before ordering something. Even cheap things for a few bucks. And don't only look at the number of starts - check the actual seller feedback. I recently skipped a seller that had like 30 5-star reviews and just one 1-start review. The 30 5-star reviews were provided in a single day from customers that were all in the same country. Suspicious, right :) ...

Regarding shipping frauds - a few years back I order some small stuff from Aliexpress. The seller provided a tracking number and the package ended up in my local post office. I went there and the post office employee said that there is no package for me. After providing the tracking number the answer was "Yep, the package was in this office, but a leady took it out just before you entered. This tracking number is for a package that is not addressed to you." That was a bit of a surprise. I had some concerns about how the dispute will end up. Tried my chances and everything ended up fine. I can't be sure what exactly happened, but I suppose this can be considered shipping fraud in a way.
Also there is another Factor at play in 2022... The continuing shipping disaster resulting from the entire poorly handled Covid Shenanigans. Everyone, everywhere is back logged and delayed, tracking is a general mess (unless using air freight and that's a huge $$ouch$$) end even then it can be off a bit. Customs & clearances also being backlogged. NUMEROUS Discussions on this single point are all over this forum and some people are getting their stuff way after the "due date". This is in General !

That being said, there are "shifty vendors" and that applies to everywhere as well (not unique to any single nation).
Some regions are getting shipments in and delivered faster than others. USA being the worst for backlogs at this time.
Some regions also have Political Stupidity at play, and there is no common sense being applied there... Everyone is different.
Shipping & Delivery varies a LOT depending if Air, Sea or Rail was used and again that depends on YOUR location and shipping choices/options.

Just a Few Things to keep in mind during these most trying times.
Shipping backlogs got nothing to do with this case;

At any time I got 20-25 deliveries bound for my address. All from different vendors on AliExpress.

Every week there is deliveries from China to my mailbox. I do open several boxes every week.
And every week I order more stuff.

Mail carriers between China and my address doing a good job.

For the past 6 months its only one missing shipment; the one with my battery cells.

Also; For the past 6 months its only one vendor supplying fishy tracking numbers; the one sold me the battery cells.

I am pretty sure this has no political connection, no covid connection, no connection to no other than lack of good moral and buisness etics.
I was looking for LiFePo4 cells around Aliexpress and this is how I ended up in this forum. The section with recommended suppliers is what took my attention initially. I went through a recommended store in Alibaba at the end and the price was lower than the one I was seeing on Aliexpress.

Regarding the feedback on Aliexpress - always check seller rating before ordering something. Even cheap things for a few bucks. And don't only look at the number of starts - check the actual seller feedback. I recently skipped a seller that had like 30 5-star reviews and just one 1-start review. The 30 5-star reviews were provided in a single day from customers that were all in the same country. Suspicious, right :) ...

Regarding shipping frauds - a few years back I order some small stuff from Aliexpress. The seller provided a tracking number and the package ended up in my local post office. I went there and the post office employee said that there is no package for me. After providing the tracking number the answer was "Yep, the package was in this office, but a leady took it out just before you entered. This tracking number is for a package that is not addressed to you." That was a bit of a surprise. I had some concerns about how the dispute will end up. Tried my chances and everything ended up fine. I can't be sure what exactly happened, but I suppose this can be considered shipping fraud in a way.
Same thing happened to me I payed for a item got the tracking number . But it was for another person . Got the money back from paypal . But just the waste of time
A online store at Aliexpress;
I do beleive they did commit a fraud against me... and possible many others.

I am writing this soo others could learn from my mistakes.
..... if it seems too cheap to be true..... it is probably not true...
Dont buy it !!!

I ordered a batch of 4x 320Ah LiFePo4 3,2 volt cells
The price was pretty good, taxfree, and free shipping.
The customs in my country dont dick around.... Already on that "taxfree" I should have moved on.
In fact the price was maybe too good to be real...
But.. cheap cells.. are like cheap flights... it makes you close your eyes for the smoke.

I did check the review section for the product.
There was no customers review at all.... none.. zero... nada
New product? Must be
My internal bell was probably ringing.. but again... it was a pretty sweet deal

After some messages the seller provided a tracking number.....
and after some searching I found a app that picked up info about the cells travel to my country.
Every now and then new info came.... suddenly the shipment was in my country.. and cleared by customs.. and on its way.
Pretty fast... probably too fast... but still.. a sweet deal.

Then it was silent for weeks.. a month
No new movement... no tracking info.. no nothing

Been waiting now for more than 75 days.
My Aliexpress "Byers Protection" is running out.
Why not ask seller? So I did.
The seller could provide a screenshot from a tracking "engine"
And suddenly the cells had been delivered to my mailbox 6-7 weeks ago.
The app I had been using now suddenly also showed delivery 6-7 weeks ago also
Even though I had been watching the app every day since I first found it.

At this point I did what I should have done in the first place;
I did read the feedback section for the store (at Aliexpress)
Not only the product review section.. but the store feedback section.
Every day new complaints do appear about the store.
Every day customers got burned and lost their money.

I have now claimed my money back from Aliexpress.
I guess this will take some time.
While I am waiting... every day new cases show up in the store feedback section.
Increasing numbers of customers getting ripped off... every day.

Why does Aliexpress leave them stores open?
Aliexpress must know this is a fishy store.
Aliexpress must know that they are letting them criminals take customers money big time.
Why dont they shut them down?

And the store that ripped me off?

Store stats should give a clue;
8,5% of customers was positive
That leave a whopping 91,5 % unhappy customers.
And this is for the last month only.

At the moment I am kind of pissed;
But I do believe Aliexpress with their "Byers Protection" will judge in my favor and give me my money back.
And if not... I got hopes for PayPal... and in the end for my credit card issuer. One step at the time.....

To be honest; This is also dragging Aliexpress down
If we customers cant trust the online stores at Aliexpress... the website will go down the drain also.

I have been travelling a little bit more than the average Joe.
Over the years I have visited more than 130 countries around the globe... several times
Yes I have been ripped off in some of them... several times...
but then its on another level.. had a beer but charged for two...
But still; most of them countries and their inhabitants do have some kind of moral.

In my experience there is one country that stick out more than other.
I am not mentioning any name...... you can probably figure that one out

A funny story;
A friend of mine bought a pair of new shoes from a street vendor.
New shoes on his feet, and the old ones in the trash.
He was a pretty good looking dude when he walked down the streets of Shanghai in the early 80´
He was funny as hell when it started to pour down.
The rain dissolved his new shoes... that probably was made of paper...
Funny as hell seing them shoes clinging high up on his legs.
Now.. 40 years later... them cheap shoes still make me laugh.

Back to the store that ripped me off; stay clear;

A online store at Aliexpress;
I do beleive they did commit a fraud against me... and possible many others.

I am writing this soo others could learn from my mistakes.
..... if it seems too cheap to be true..... it is probably not true...
Dont buy it !!!

I ordered a batch of 4x 320Ah LiFePo4 3,2 volt cells
The price was pretty good, taxfree, and free shipping.
The customs in my country dont dick around.... Already on that "taxfree" I should have moved on.
In fact the price was maybe too good to be real...
But.. cheap cells.. are like cheap flights... it makes you close your eyes for the smoke.

I did check the review section for the product.
There was no customers review at all.... none.. zero... nada
New product? Must be
My internal bell was probably ringing.. but again... it was a pretty sweet deal

After some messages the seller provided a tracking number.....
and after some searching I found a app that picked up info about the cells travel to my country.
Every now and then new info came.... suddenly the shipment was in my country.. and cleared by customs.. and on its way.
Pretty fast... probably too fast... but still.. a sweet deal.

Then it was silent for weeks.. a month
No new movement... no tracking info.. no nothing

Been waiting now for more than 75 days.
My Aliexpress "Byers Protection" is running out.
Why not ask seller? So I did.
The seller could provide a screenshot from a tracking "engine"
And suddenly the cells had been delivered to my mailbox 6-7 weeks ago.
The app I had been using now suddenly also showed delivery 6-7 weeks ago also
Even though I had been watching the app every day since I first found it.

At this point I did what I should have done in the first place;
I did read the feedback section for the store (at Aliexpress)
Not only the product review section.. but the store feedback section.
Every day new complaints do appear about the store.
Every day customers got burned and lost their money.

I have now claimed my money back from Aliexpress.
I guess this will take some time.
While I am waiting... every day new cases show up in the store feedback section.
Increasing numbers of customers getting ripped off... every day.

Why does Aliexpress leave them stores open?
Aliexpress must know this is a fishy store.
Aliexpress must know that they are letting them criminals take customers money big time.
Why dont they shut them down?

And the store that ripped me off?

Store stats should give a clue;
8,5% of customers was positive
That leave a whopping 91,5 % unhappy customers.
And this is for the last month only.

At the moment I am kind of pissed;
But I do believe Aliexpress with their "Byers Protection" will judge in my favor and give me my money back.
And if not... I got hopes for PayPal... and in the end for my credit card issuer. One step at the time.....

To be honest; This is also dragging Aliexpress down
If we customers cant trust the online stores at Aliexpress... the website will go down the drain also.

I have been travelling a little bit more than the average Joe.
Over the years I have visited more than 130 countries around the globe... several times
Yes I have been ripped off in some of them... several times...
but then its on another level.. had a beer but charged for two...
But still; most of them countries and their inhabitants do have some kind of moral.

In my experience there is one country that stick out more than other.
I am not mentioning any name...... you can probably figure that one out

A funny story;
A friend of mine bought a pair of new shoes from a street vendor.
New shoes on his feet, and the old ones in the trash.
He was a pretty good looking dude when he walked down the streets of Shanghai in the early 80´
He was funny as hell when it started to pour down.
The rain dissolved his new shoes... that probably was made of paper...
Funny as hell seing them shoes clinging high up on his legs.
Now.. 40 years later... them cheap shoes still make me laugh.

Back to the store that ripped me off; stay clear;

Aliexpress simply can't be trusted these days.
I bet, no doubt. I got jacked on ebay along time ago for $700 or so. From a hacked acct. and i did western union. I've learned my lesson. I was young and dumb. Now im older and still dumb, but a bit wiser. lol.


I just got my battery in a couple days ago, I bought from "LiitokalaVariCoreFlagship Store". Was one of the suggested supplier links Will posted under that DIY 280ah video. I did have some worry, but Aliexpress seemed big enough to me that i figured it would'nt be an issue.

Ya, i'll never buy anything expensive from someone with not at least 90%+ positive feedback and a lot of sales. The lito store also had 32k followers so that made me feel better. Took 7 weeks to get mine in.
Today I got my money back.
Aliexpress did refund my losses.

Aliexpress can be trusted,
its a small group of them vendors operating on Aliexpress that cant be trusted.

The Aliexpress "75 days byers protection" was important.
Thats a key reason to be shopping at Aliexpress.
As soon as the 75 days waiting periode was over I did claim a refund.
Today, 15 days later, I did get my money back.

Early on after I did place my order, I messaged the vendor, OLOPKY B Store, with my concerns;
"There was no tracking number; is the batteries shipped?"
OLOPKY B Store then produced a tracking number. (Today I think that tracking number was a fake one)
This tracking number did show a shipment moving towards my country.
The tracking showed a package arrived in my country in 4 weeks.
The package arrived at customs and was forwarded. (I dont think that was my missing batteries)
And then it stopped; Until I claimed a refund;

Then 75 days went... and when asked again OLOPKY B Store produced a string of text stating that the batteries already was delivered to my mailbox weeks ago. The vendor claimed that the shipment of LiFePo4 cells "had been delivered" as early as 4 weeks after I did place my order.

I did contact Aliexpress and claimed the "75 days buyers protection" and it all went from there.

I dont think I have any reason to stop shopping on Aliexpress.
I still trust the vendors, but I will listen to the customers reviews and feedback and my gut feeling.

Happy Shopping
To my pleasure the OLOPKY B Store now is shut down. Its there, but no products on display.

Hopefully Aliexpress finally tok him down for good. ?

I will celebrate this event ??


  • 3257E74D-4B82-4A46-88C7-341FA6940F1F.png
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Too good to be true. Almost always means what it says. Some buying off Alibaba recommend using a credit card so you can reverse the charge in case of chicanery. My wife purchased a massive beautiful wooden hen house weighing nearly 500 kg including transport for 99 dollars. Paid with CC. I told her it was a scam. But not to worry, could get money back. Did not arrive by stated date. Reported to CC company. Transaction reversed, full refund. Would have preferred the hen house though!!
If its too good to be true... one can also be surprised

I did buy some IP Cams for a pretty good price.
The price was so low that the seller contacted me;
He told me that they had done a mistake but he would ship the units anyway.
He was hoping for new business with me later on.
I did receive the cam´s and bought a few more at normal price.
Happy ending. :)

Also I bought a motorised jockey wheel for my trailor.
It was so cheap that I just had to try.
I had my doubts but.... I payed 30US$...
6 weeks later I did receive a pandemic type facemask and a lollypop.
Had a good laugh :ROFLMAO:

And the money I paid for my battery cells I got in return from Aliexpress.
Next would have been PayPal... or the Credit Card issuer.
But again Aliexpress stepped up and payed with no delay.
Check out some of the vendors people have experience with. Personally, I would go either with Shenzhen Luyuan or Docan Power. Both of those have representatives that are active on this site, and you can review comments others have made purchasing from them. Getting the ells through Alibaba after having a chat with the vendors in question for a personalized quote is the way to go - make sure you specify DDP shipping terms, and you can sometimes get a small discount for mentioning that you found them through this forum.
I understand the above sellers have ware houses in the USA, but what if you're in the Mediterranian area of Europe?
I understand the above sellers have ware houses in the USA, but what if you're in the Mediterranian area of Europe?
you can ask for ddp shipment from docan and lyuann .
16 280k will be around 2100 euro from docan
2900 from luyann

it will be on the slow boat though, as the train through belarus and ukrain for understandable reasons is delayed
you can ask for ddp shipment from docan and lyuann .
16 280k will be around 2100 euro from docan
2900 from luyann

it will be on the slow boat though, as the train through belarus and ukrain for understandable reasons is delayed
Thanks for reply. 16s 280AH guessed. Forgive me for noobyness: what is ddp short for?

diy solar

diy solar