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diy solar

diy solar

Powering up for the first time - Any suggestions?


New Member
Aug 5, 2024
So I'm planning to power up my system for the first time today and would appreciate any pointers or corrections to my plan.
Main Components:
  1. EG4 6000xp
  2. EG4 Indoor 280Ah battery
  3. Reliance Protran-2 transfer switch
  4. Grid AC Input disconnect switch
  5. IMO DC Disconnect
  6. Midnite SPDs
  7. Watts 247 4-2 Combiner Box
  8. 20 Aptos 400W panels in two 10-panel circuits (~350W per circuit)
My planned walk through to power-up/engage each component - all switches OFF (and after checking physical connections):
  1. EG4 battery- turn ON with side switch and check front panel for correct activation (green light)
    1. Question: Do I need to have the BMS in "closed loop" or do I need to load up the BMS Tools software?
  2. 6000xp -
    1. Check for ~48V DC on battery input terminals
    2. Turn ON battery power breaker on front panel
    3. Turn ON inverter side power switch
    4. Verify inverter powers up
  3. AC Disconnect - Turn on Grid AC disconnect switch
  4. 6000xp - Turn ON AC input breaker
  5. Combiner Box -
    1. Turn on circuit #1 breaker
    2. Turn on circuit #2 breaker
    3. Check for no voltage at 6000xp PV inputs
  6. Midnite SPDs - Check that blue lights are on for both circuits
  7. IMO Disconnect Switch - Switch ON
  8. 6000xp -
    1. Check for ~350V DC at both PV inputs
    2. Turn ON PV on/off switch on inverter side
    3. Turn ON AC output breaker
    4. Check for 240V AC at output of Load breaker
  9. Protran-2 Transfer Switch-
    1. Turn ON circuit breaker for first switch
    2. Flip first switch from Line to Gen (this is attached to Inverter AC output)
    3. Verify that circuit is operational
    4. Repeat steps 1-3 for all 9 circuits
  10. 6000xp settings -
    1. Check all inverter settings per installation manual
I went through my process and everything seemed to be working right, including measuring the PV input voltage at the PV input connections on the inverter and getting 358VDC. Well ... until I tried to look at the data on the inverter screen. My PV voltages were zero ... and I checked all my switches. Long story short, although I'd seen the right voltage at the PV input connections on the inverter, that voltage disappeared a bit later and BTW, the Midnite units didn't light up.

So, with a bit of sleuthing I determined that the output wires from my Combiner box were reversed plus/minus. The Combiner breakers had + and - labeled on them and then below were sticker labels showing a + and - but reversed from what the breakers showed. I'd seen that and opted to hook up as I thought proper based on the circuit breakers, not the stick on labels. Note: the output wires connect to the two center screws just below the blue breaker handle. It turns out I made the wrong choice.


Fixed the swapped wires and then the Midnite units lit up and the PV voltage was showing up on the Inverter screen. Everything is working fine at the moment. My next tasks are to get the inverter setting checked out, get the dongle working and running the BMS monitor.

Happy man :sneaky:
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diy solar

diy solar