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diy solar

diy solar

PowerQueen vs LiTime 100ah Smart Mini


New Member
Apr 27, 2022
What is everyones thoughts on PowerQueen vs Litime 100ah Smart Mini batteries. I've seen on here several people make the comment that they are made by the same parent company and the batteries look almost identical from the specs. I need a 12v 100ah battery for a solar project at a remote uninsulated shed so Low Temp protection is a must and the bluetooth would be nice so I can check the state of charge when I'm there. I've watched reviews on both but have no experience with either.

I can get the PowerQueen for $218 and the LiTime for $244.

It seems unlikely since Litime designs their own BMS - I suppose they could have sold copies to powerqueen. Have you looked at teardown videos on youtube for both?
It seems unlikely since Litime designs their own BMS - I suppose they could have sold copies to powerqueen. Have you looked at teardown videos on youtube for both?

I have, both claim they have their own BMS but it wasnt clear if they are the same BMS and just slapped their brand sticker on it or what.
The teardown videos of all the litime batteries I have seen that show the LiTime ones with their name on the BMS and the BMS design is different than most.

I haven't watched many on powerqueen.
Definitely go with Power Queen. Impressive build and app.

Check dates on last reply, this is a zombie thread and he has long since made a decision.

And if you are just gonna throw out a recommendation it would be good to have a reason

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diy solar