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diy solar

diy solar

Prepped for an EMP

Just keep (somewhat) close to the topic so it doesn't have to get moved to the off-topic area.

Full EMP preparedness requires very deep pockets.

When trying to block RFI back in the day, that it's very difficult to block a powerful magnetic field, which by itself will induce current through a conductor.

Blocking an EMP from a nuke anywhere in the neighborhood would be exceptionally difficult.
You will need an diode....
And a tube is pretty hard to make so you should use a mag amp...
Then you can learn to make tubes and CRTs
And computers are still doable...

And we can start the whole cycle over one electronic device after another

The rebirth of the transistor and silicon revolution mark 2
I got a whole bin of different sized diodes and my shop is metal, so I don't even need to do anything.
Have you been to the 3rd world? I have. it's not really the same world. It's unrecognizable as the same planet. You thought your tent cities were poor in california, that's middle class in 3rd world. And it's everywhere and there are things you can't unsee. I was there last month, and I'll be going back next month. The upside is when you go, you can live like a king because everything is so unbelievably cheap.
Are you lumping all of them together? Maybe you went to Haiti.
Yes I have lived in a Third world Country and as @HighDesertDrifter stated they are far more prepared for life after a SHTF disaster than plump Americans.
People in most poor countries adapt really quickly to changing realities without going crazy and turning on one another. People don't get upset about losing shit and a super hard life if that is all they have ever known.
Just the loss of Internet service for a few days is enough to make people go crazy in the USA. I cannot imagine what would happen when people actually go for a couple of days without food.
Are you lumping all of them together? Maybe you went to Haiti.
Yes I have lived in a Third world Country and as @HighDesertDrifter stated they are far more prepared for life after a SHTF disaster than plump Americans.
People in most poor countries adapt really quickly to changing realities without going crazy and turning on one another. People don't get upset about losing shit and a super hard life if that is all they have ever known.
Just the loss of Internet service for a few days is enough to make people go crazy in the USA. I cannot imagine what would happen when people actually go for a couple of days without food.
How would an emp effect a simple magnetic ignition coil or even the magnets on the freewheel that would be the only worry in my village.
I got a whole bin of different sized diodes and my shop is metal, so I don't even need to do anything.
Ya but the ionizing radiation from the bombs will fry they even in a steel can just as sure as it scrambles your DNA and turns you into a Goul...
Ya but the ionizing radiation from the bombs will fry they even in a steel can just as sure as it scrambles your DNA and turns you into a Goul...
That's what my box of various sized induction coils are for. They will absorb all of it and send it back!
People in most poor countries adapt really quickly to changing realities without going crazy and turning on one another. People don't get upset about losing shit and a super hard life if that is all they have ever known.

The all pervasive TV set, smart phone, and internet have made these people aware they do not need to live that way.
Also they understand where they live may not be even livable much longer

5 Year old article from the new England journal of Medicine.
"With a rising death toll from chronic kidney disease of unknown origin (CKDu) — also known in Central America as Mesoamerican nephropathy — and with greenhouse gas emissions driving global temperature increases, we are woefully short of early screening tools and treatment options for tens of thousands of patients. CKDu was first described in El Salvador in the 1990s, when unusually large numbers of agricultural workers began dying from irreversible renal failure.1 It quickly became evident that the phenomenon was pervasive among innumerable agricultural communities in hot, humid regions of Central America."

Just pack up and walk north....

Was it in this forum I read a comment about Ted kazcynsky and his manifesto?
I knew of it but never read it before and I skimmed it quickly.
Our technology is not only our life support system but its the threat to our survival.
As mad as a sack of frogs, but he did have a point.

The truth about surviving the fall of civilization is that we can not bring our most destructive technologies with us if they were the cause of the collapse in the first place.
Just about everything we have or use around is is causing the world more harm than good now.

So when I read a thread from a Prepper I wonder what sort of world does this person imagine he can build from the scraps of the old.
Is this really a smart way to spend your time and resources?
Or should we be putting our minds towards things that might work to solve the bigger problems?

I see glimmers of hope with renewable energy from the sun...
Sustainable agriculture.
Recycle reuse!
Finally I see the possibility we can get the global population to naturally start to shrink to a level the earth can carry without the external inputs we need now like oil and minerals ( the massive inputs I mean, we will always need these things its just the rate and quantity we use that scares me )
I see the possibility we might be able to do this peacefully.

The idea of Prepping however is inward looking and I don't see how it will solve any of the real worlds problems.
Its just hoarding resources.
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( Long Post)

When It comes to getting ready for an EMP, there are a few things one can do.
1) Build a Faraday cage. You can use a metal garbage can as a start. Line inside of can with cardboard and use Aluminum tape to seal any holes or punctures. Also, go over seams on can with Aluminum duct tape. Get very ferraday bag and inserted it into can like garbage bag liner.
2) Get extra MPPT controllers, keep in box and wrap like a gift 5 times, same with AC/DC Inverters. See what type or rating your solar panels have for Diodes can get extras. Also get extra BMS's for batteries, keep in box and wrap 5 times.
Make list of all items going into ferraday can. Place all items into can. Heat seal bag with curling iron or heat gun. Be very very careful doing this.
Make sure lid fits tightly and use Aluminum tape to seal edge around can.
This is what I'm doing. Making sure I can recover and have extras on hand in Ferraday cages...

On my solar panels and wire rings from panels and on all electrical gear I have ferrites all over.

I also have had installed Siemens FS140 Whole house surge protector as extra protection...
Yup, I approached this with a belt and suspenders attack. Over kill is better then getting hit.

Just my 2 cents
Good luck
If I have an electronic implanted pacemaker and a plate in my skull from surgery years ago, would I need a trash can for my head? Just wondering.

If I have an electronic implanted pacemaker and a plate in my skull from surgery years ago, would I need a trash can for my head? Just wondering.
My Dad has a pace maker and it communicates wireless.

Doctor can download information from it and change settings.
I wonder and worry about how secure that is.
We laugh but its a scary thought.
If criminals can read your cards in your wallet just by getting close of steal you car byt pirating your FOB what could they do to your pacemaker or other medical devices for nefarious purposes?
  • Wow
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So many predictions.... Many uncertainties
But some things we do know as facts:
1) Solar Electromagnetic Pulses do occur, producing effects on earth. They are not really rare.
2) Nuclear devices can and have produced EMPs. See Operation Starfish Prime, in which a nuke was explode in space, 250 miles above Earth in 1962, affecting electrical systems 1,000 miles away.
3) Michael Faraday 200 years ago in his "ice pail experiment" demonstrated the principle that makes Faraday cages work. The cage does not block the electromagnetic field from it. The EMP goes right through. Rather, the EM field induces in the metallic wall of the cage an equal and opposite
static electric charge, which produces its own field. These two EM fields, being opposites, cancel each other out. Which protects the things you've stored within.
4) Experiments show that homemade cages can protect against EMPs to a considerable degree. See Arthur Bradley's videos and books. These are not costly to construct.
..............................................................So these are the only facts I know.
What to do?
A wee bit of prepping is very easy to do. A supply of dried beans and rice will go a long way. A little bit of electricity would be nice, too. My present system--8,000 array, Eg4 6000XP AIO, and 3 Eg4 5kwh batteries--might well survive an EMP without "caging", especially if we get some warning, allowing for a time to turn everything off, as devices are far more vulnerable to EMPs if they are running when it happens. Solar EMPs are expected to be predicted before they arrive (15 hours to several days), affording time to turn off. Perhaps likewise there would be a period of rising tensions, acts of war and such, in the lead up to a nuclear EMP attack. Again, maybe time enough to turn off.
Also have a Faraday cage in which will go smallish battery charger, and a smallish inverter. A little bit of electricity would be very handy during a prolonged crisis. A chainsaw for firewood. A few shop tools. A good way to get protein in electrofishing; take what you need, the rest recover just fine. Easy, fast. But you gotta have some juice. So I am doing a few low-work, low-expense things to make life more possible in case of EMP.

Not really worried about marauding bands of hungry city folk. In rural Alabama, even us few Blues are armed to the teeth, as are our Red friends and neighbors. Got goats. Trees. Beaver pond. EV. How much trouble is a trash can?
Possum Bobby, While I am not an electrical engineer specializing in EMP dynamics I am of a mind that turning things off will not be helpful in protecting from an EMP from a nuke.
My reasoning... most of us have switched over from incandescent to LED light bulbs. When turned off, the wire from the switch to the lamp and thru to the neutral/ground will act as an antenna. This antenna will be separate for each lighting circuit in ones home. It is my understanding the electronics in the LED basically clip one half of the AC power wave and transform the voltage to one suitable to LEDs. While LEDs are pretty tolerant of small voltage variances I expect the voltages they will receive from the EMP thru the antenna will most likely pop them like a fuse.
Putting my actions where my mouth is, I have a supply of LED bulbs the boxes of which are wrapped with heavy duty aluminum foil as per Dr. Bradley.
I expect that the BMS circuits in our LiFePo batteries will not survive an EMP and so have created my Solar and Home backup systems using 12 volt rather than the more efficient (and somewhat less expensive) 48 volt systems. My solar photovoltaic system is only for lighting and entertainment. I expect there will be 12 volt lead acid batteries from vehicles etc. at least at the onset of such a calamity. I too have a couple of small inverters stored in a shielded container and at the moment am in process of creating a "theater in a suitcase" which I expect will be able to survive an EMP.
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diy solar

diy solar