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diy solar

diy solar

Problem with chargeverter

My back of napkin math indicates that my eu2000i generator should be able to handle a charge setting of 56V x 23A if I want to run it ragged right at its 1600W rating.

I figure 56v x 23A ÷ .8 (a good approximation of AC/DC losses etc) is 1,600W.

So if I want to run it at about 80% of 1600W, my "close enough for government work" settings should be about 56V x 18A.


And yet my generator STILL won't run that setting without ramping it up manually on the control panel.

Regardless of whether I turn on the generator first or the Chargeverter first the only stable charge setting are 56V x 12.5A.

Which should only be about 850 Watts of draw from the generator.

Sorry for overtaking this thread, but I felt the need to clarify what I was referring to.

It sounds like I need to look into the case of the Chargeverter and see if both modules are working, as that could be an issue if it's trying to produce all the power through one of the rectifier units rather
than splitting it between two?
I have a champion 2500 and can set it at 28a IF i have the chargeverter already on when I start generator/plug it in so that is slowly ramps up, if I get it spike it will kick off and retry around 3 times then slowly ramp up again after that… (it does not trip the generator as over current, just chargeverter saying not enough power and it kicks off and retries..)

I did the math like this : 54*28=1512w going in batteries
And then: 1512 is 12.6a …

This is true even when I turn off eco and let the generator run full speed.. it has to slowly ramp up, and from what I know the old yellow models do not ramp up … and in this case I could only get it to run 23a with eco mode off and flip of breaker on chargeverter to surge .. (it worked most of the time this way but not all the time)

Another part of the problem is that we have people that go up to our cabin (where the Chargeverter is) that are clueless to these issues and who we don't want to be playing with settings.

So we just leave it on the settings that require no fiddling, we want someone to be able to go outside, yank the pull cord on the generator and plug in the cord to the charger.
That's it. 💁
I know with a 12kw generator I couldn't tell the chargeverter was running even with it set to wide open. I figure I should be able to run two chargeverters easily on it one day.
For me the chargeverter was the perfect solution.

I can charge from my :

12kw generator 240v

5kw generator 120v

3kw modified sinewave inverter in the f150 truck 120v

2kw pure sinewave inverter on my 12v system 120v

and I can even just plug it into a 240v outlet or a 120v outlet and use the grid's power

Verrry handy.
For me, I’m in an RV and want to charge with small 110v Genarator if that’s needed or park with no 50a .. but I can’t count on clean power..

We do fairs and a lot of the time it’s dirty power. So this allows me to safely charge from any generator.
Indeed chargeverter is good solution i am also in different boat, my generator is 1phase and deye inverter i have is 3 phase. I wonder if chargeverter can be setup to charge Lifepo4 48v 314ah correcly without communication with jkBMS i have, is setting gargeverter manually sufficient in terms good charging ?.

I also wonder if in the system i can charge batteries from two different sources, Chargeverter right after JKBms and deye inverter from sun at same time ?, or meaby best solution is to setup chargeverter in one PV socket to inverter ?, that way it will all pass thru Inverter but already stabilised good quality DC... Someone has tried chooking up it to PV to Inverter?
If your batteries are already in closed loop communications with your inverter, you cannot use the communications port on the ChargeVerter at the same time.
Also, they have recently discovered some issues with the ChargeVerter communications, so you pretty much have to run it in open loop mode for now.
Open loop means without communication right ?
Indeed chargeverter is good solution i am also in different boat, my generator is 1phase and deye inverter i have is 3 phase. I wonder if chargeverter can be setup to charge Lifepo4 48v 314ah correcly without communication with jkBMS i have, is setting gargeverter manually sufficient in terms good charging ?.

I also wonder if in the system i can charge batteries from two different sources, Chargeverter right after JKBms and deye inverter from sun at same time ?, or meaby best solution is to setup chargeverter in one PV socket to inverter ?, that way it will all pass thru Inverter but already stabilised good quality DC... Someone has tried chooking up it to PV to Inverter?
Bossman253, hi - from my understanding, and now my own hands on a Chargeverter.. If you connect the Chargeverter DC out cables (+ - ) to the same buss your batteries are terminaled to and the Batteries are in Parallel daisy chained.. The chargeverter supplies what ever Amperage you set it up for.. DC output to the buss bar. The batteries in LifePo4 types, with BMS, will see the amps Charge coming in and distribute the charge to the batteries as the BMS sees fit.. and not use the network comm to the Chargeverter.. which is only for SOC% to Dry Contacts to auto start and shut off a Generator..
So I don't see any issues from my own experience. Just that the Inverter won't see or know where the extra Charging is coming from, and if your using SA, it won't see the Chargeverter either.. but the LifePo4 batteries will via BMS in the Batteries.. now if your using Lead Acid , AGM types, However. the Chargeverter has a Stop charge voltage setting as to not overcharge,, you set it at the proper voltage for the battery type.

diy solar

diy solar