and now you know why all military contracts now make you sign a disclaimer that you are not using any (ANY) chineese made equipment that records, communicates, or plugs into the internet in any fashion. Just watched a commands CO and XO get fired for this here in japan...
Well the Modbus protocol is old as dirt.
in the late 1960s GM wanted a faster way to retool lines so they had a company called Modicon build them industrial computers that eventually became the PLCs we knew up until fairly recently.
Modbus was the first common communication protocol.
One master device talks to slave devices ( 256 I think was the max ).
Only one modbus master is allowed on a network and it controls when Data is exchanged ( in practice two or more master can be in the network but its tricky needs timing and a real cracker jack tech guy with the right loadables to pull off )
You can also use a bridge MUX this allows a master on a modbus network to also communicate with other Modicon products using a second peer to peer protocol later introduced called Modbus + ( there was another one called Modbus 2 also but it failed to catch on ).
Slaves master bridges peer to peer networks...
You can have a lot of computers, PLCs drives and even things like automatic valves or sampling and data collection use these protocols.
And all this stuff can talk to all the other stuff going back to the 1970s machines.
But what was never conceived of I guess was the IOT world we live in.
I first became aware of Modbus TCP/IP around 2003.
At this point in time Modicon let anyone who wanted to use the original modbus protocol with their equipment and it became the defacto standard for anything that had to talk to anything.
Then the internet and remote accessing of these networks began with a new version of the same basic protocol but with all the internet identifiers added.
I never learned how this works....
I was happy with Modbus+ over a twisted pair and the occasional fiber optic link with an Weed modem

At this point in my life I stopped being trained on anything new.
My employer did not want us to be too smart, and I think I have actually regressed to a more primitive form of 1980s electrician now....
But technology marched on...
Now that big rack is gone and the devices themselves in the field are connected to Ethernet
What ever the hell Wonderware is it does everything.
The programs still appear to be in relay logic but I never see them anymore...
Does this even use Modbus TCP/IP ?
I don't know...
Thats not my job to know anymore.
But still they make this stuff that at its heart uses Modbus or data highway or anynumber of com protocols layerd over the TCP/IP stuff.
And the weakness if no one ever thought about how to make this secure at the point of use.
The work around has seemed to be automation only networks with dedicated fibre and copper between them and a gate keeper computer that the IT people look after that allows some people to access the automation and the rest are locked out.
The operations and machines are only as secure as the gatekeeper computers and the people that look after them.
The fear is someone with malware will put a memory stick in computer or share a password thats lets the inside and outside worlds meet....
Its not fails safe because its accessible.
Sometimes you read a post from me here during work hours.
Its me with a password I somehow got and I am texting a reply through the automation network or surfing the web .
I'm just a stupid old electrician...
But I'm smart enough to get out...
I dont understand it all and I dont have too I just need to find an open port or open door so to speak or someone just leaves the electronic keys on a table and I am into it and outside in the world.
And someone outside is probably going to do the same thing one day and maybe wreck the place.
In conclusion I think its a bad idea to let an IOT device into your home unless its isolated from everything else by a plane old mechanical relay.
You cant talk to a relay just turn it on and off and thats all it should ever be able to do.
One off and status..
But to chain everything together and let the TV set talk to the washing machine and your solar charge controller YIKES, that sounds like trouble.