Andrewr05, while I get your dissatisfaction with the coarse this topic has taken, andAnother thread to "un-watch"
voicing is not teaching, it's free expression.
something that should be celebrated, not demonized or canceled.
However there are those who also manage to teach stupidity
Andrewr05, while I get your dissatisfaction with the coarse this topic has taken, and
I admit some fault, but I'm thinking this topic had no defined purpose and may have
been started with an eye on failing, or at minimum as a distraction .
we may have to concede the basement on this solar forum as right-wing stomping grounds
and they each have their axe to grind(or many to grind)
primal1, we all have asperationYou're a legend and a clown.
primal1, we all have asperation
primal1, you don't know the half of it, I can't even climb a tree anymorereached the pinnacle of your abilities.
primal1, you don't know the half of it, I can't even climb a tree anymore![]()
truth be told he has more going for him then I do, I bet when he goes to bed it's in his own bed,
me I'm sleeping in my guest room of my own home, because my GF didn't want to wake up with
a dead person after I had heart surgery, then a pacemaker, I'm more a waking dead the that biden guy
Primal1, while I get the concept(from old western movies), but taking people stuff never entered my mind, as a boomer it was all about"The greatest pleasure and joy for a man is to suppress a rebel and to defeat an enemy, uproot him and take everything he possesses,
Primal1, while I get the concept(from old western movies), but taking people stuff never entered my mind, as a boomer it was all about
excepting our responsibilities, taking care of our families, if we had to work 16hr days so be it.
ken, while I appreciate your efforts to baffle us with bull shit what does the law say?
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D71, you confuse my questioning how the asylum-seekers got to my small town with requesting they be here.Tommy not everyone gets to seek asylum. Wtf is wrong with you?
sweet line D71...Your gf left you because you argue more than a woman over dumb stuff
They should be thrown on a truck a bus or a cattle car and sent packing back over the border. I rode in cattle cars in military standing up packed in like sardines. No fucking pity. They broke the law. No boat anchor kids since they are here illegally. They broke the fucking law and are stealing my money. I had to pay $2000 extra taxes last year from my god damn retirement monies. Did not work my ass off to give it to an illegal mf'er. Nobody knows they are here.... so there are no records.D71, you confuse my questioning how the asylum-seekers got to my small town with requesting they be here.
but with that said, if they are here I wish them no harm. I would also go as far as say they are in no way in my
way, there is only me in my way.
I'm just asking question, I'm not transporting, or requesting they be here.
but if you say they should be harmed or they are less then human, I'd say bull shit.
you cannot be an asylum seeker if you entered illegally. thats the end of the discussion. kamala saying it was so will not work once trump is in office, if they do not have the proper paperwork from when they applied etc. et al, then they are on their way out. personally I would use a big friggin catapult and sling them across the rio grand... kill about 20 or 30 that way and the rest will run off on their own.ken, while I appreciate your efforts to baffle us with bull shit what does the law say?
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this should fix the issue, on day one.once trump is in office
You may only file this application if you are physically present in the United States, and you are not a U.S. citizen.
cartoon characters like you/primal1 can only play judge/jury/executioner here in the comic books,
in the real world you'd would just be someone's bitch in prison.
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while I'm also a cartoon character, I wish no harm on anyone.
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Primal1, while misleading on it face, I've only been bitched in my own home for 10 of those years.According to your own posts you've been someone's bitch since1974 and it was in your own home.